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Lexi's POV:

"Where are you going this early on a Saturday?" Mia asks me as I slip into a pair of leggings.

"I'm going to watch my friend's kids for a few hours." I say. "We can get lunch after?"

Mia nods slowly, still in bed. "You mean Evan's kids?"

I bite my inner cheek and look at her, "yeah, is that okay?"

She nods without hesitation. I lean over and kiss her lips, "I'll text you once I'm headed back."

I leave the apartment and drive to Evan's house, which I barely remember how to get to since I've only been once.

I park in the driveway and ring the doorbell, hearing the familiar sound of young feet running across the house.

The door swings open and I see both girls staring at me. I smile and raise my brows, "morning."

"Mom said you can come in." Grace says.

I nod and enter the house, feeling a bit tense because I don't know how well the kids remember me. It's been five years, and they were pretty young...

I'm led through the house and to the kitchen, where Evan is standing with plates of food in her hands.

"Girls, sit and eat. Mason, stop playing with your food. Lexi... yours is up next." She rattles off like she's a line-cook.

I laugh, "you don't have to cook for me. That was a joke."

She cuts her eyes at me, "hush."

I show my palms in surrender and make myself comfortable at the dining table.

Mason stares at me hard, not having the slightest idea who I am.

"You're pretty." Ava blurts.

I smile, "thank you. I think you two are pretty... you look a lot like your mom." I say.

They smile and look at one another, clearly having discussed what to say to me prior to my arrival.

"Do you like making stuff, Lexi?" Grace asks.

I shrug, "depends on what it is."

"Bracelets. We have a whole box full of stuff to make them. You can make some with us to wear if you want to." She continues, hopeful that I'll be interested.

I smile and giggle a little, "I think I could make a few bracelets. You'll have to teach me how though."

"Gotta be good with your fingers. Kinda tricky." Evan chimes in, sliding a plate in front of me. "No eggs, just how you like it."

I'm so thrown by her initial comment I barely realize that she even remembered my hatred for eggs. "I- okay."

She smirks and walks back to the stove to clean up quickly. "I'm gonna go get changed, eat up."

I nod and watch her walk away, left sort of speechless.

"What's your favorite color? We have blue, pink, yellow, green, black, and orange strings to pick for your bracelet!" Grace informs.

"Hm, I think I'll go with black." I say, "what about you, Mason? Are you going to make bracelets too?" I tease, knowing he'll have no interest.

He quickly shakes his head and makes a face of disgust, "no way! That's boring."

I grin at the boy, realizing that he has not changed a bit other than his height. "I'm sure we can find something more entertaining for you to do."

Across the Hall (G.N.D. Sequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon