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Evan's POV:

"Pst." Lexi's head pops into my classroom. "Do you have plans tonight?"

I shake my head, "no, just picking up the kids and-"

"Actually, you're not. I'll pick them up. Is that okay?" She asks.

I furrow my brows, "I mean... I guess? Why?"

She smirks, "don't worry about the reason."

"Lexi... please don't start with the secret shit again." I beg, hating the feeling of being out of the loop.

She laughs, "I promise it's nothing bad. Just... go with it. You can go home and take a bath or something. Have some wine. Relax."

I cut my eyes at her, "relaxation is not an option when you have a girlfriend sneaking around with your children."

Her eyes widen, "oh, I'm an official girlfriend now?"

"Oh, shut up. You're officially annoying." My eyes roll and I fight a smile.

"Glad we have that established. I'll see you at like... six?" She says.

I nod and she starts to walk away, but I have something else on my mind. "Wait- Lex."

"Yes ma'am?"

I cut my eyes at her hard and she grins ear-to-ear. "I wanna talk to you. Come see me when you get a sec."

She nods and off she goes, preparing to teach her next class.

Of course, Lexi never comes back to talk to me. I had a feeling she wouldn't for the sole reason of she hates the phase "I want to talk." But I'll be able to corner her tonight, so no worries.

After I leave work I head home. The house is silent, which is weird after having it filled with rambunctious kids all week. I take Lexi's suggestion and try to relax. I slide into a pair of sweats that think actually belong to Lexi, and a tank.

I park myself on the couch and turn on a cheesy TV drama with poor acting, letting my mind unwind from the stress of the week.

This has been one of the most emotionally trying weeks I've had since the divorce. From the hearing, to Scott being arrested, to kicking Lexi out like a fool, and then coming back to being great again- it's been a lot.

I couldn't be any happier with the way things played out though. Even if I was (still am) upset that Lexi made such a grand gesture (even if I wasn't meant to find out), I'm glad things happened the way they did.

I watch my movie with my feet propped up on the couch, but in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder what the kids and Lexi are doing. I know she'll keep them safe, but I don't know why it has to be a secret!

As promised, Lexi arrives home around six.

"Mama!" Mason yells as he makes his entry.

"Well hello." I giggle, definitely awake and aware now if I wasn't before. "Where have you guys been?" I ask.

"Mason..." Lexi growls.

Mason zips his lips and I glare at him. "What?! You can't not tell me." I laugh.

"It's sensitive information. On a need-to-know basis, and you aren't on that list." Lexi laughs, walking over and pecking my lips.

"How the heck do I not make the list?" I question. "I am in charge here."

"Not what you told me last night." Lexi whispers, the kids not able to hear it.

My eyes widen and I clear my throat, "okay. That's it. I'm getting this information out of one of you!" I tease, starting to stand up.

Across the Hall (G.N.D. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now