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Evan's POV:

The following Friday

"Morning, Ev. I got you this." Lexi says as she walks into my classroom, setting a paper coffee cup on my desk. I haven't seen much more of her since Tuesday, which is unfortunate but understandable.

"Mm, what's the occasion?" I giggle.

"It's Friday." She smiles. "That's enough of an occasion for me."

"You're sweet." I pout my lip out and take the cup, happy that she thought of me.

She winks at me and spins on her heels, walking back toward the door, "have a good-"

"Lex?" I stop her and she glances over her shoulder.


I motion for her to come closer so I won't have to speak so loud, and she does. "Come over tonight." I say, my voice low.

Her eyes lock on mine and she licks her lips, "any particular reason you'd request that?"

My eyes flutter and roll, as if she doesn't already know. "You'll find out when you get there. Have a good day."

"Who said I agreed to come?" She jokes, walking around my desk and sitting right in front of my keyboard.

I cut my eyes at her, "I don't care if you cum, I was more worried about me, but I guess-"

Lexi's eyes widen and I can't hold in my laugh. I smack her thigh playfully, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Please move?"

Her eyes remain huge and her mouth open, totally dumbfounded. "Of all the people I would have expected that from, you were the last."

"I'm full of surprises." I grin.

Lexi shakes her head and slides off my desk, "you are asking for it, Evan. Behave."

I wink at her and she exits my room, her head still shaking back and forth.

* * *

Evan's house

Just after six, Lexi walks through the door like she lives here.

"Evan!" She yells, clearly hyped up about something.

I come around the corner, confused. "Why are you yelling?!"

"I got a 98 out of 100 on my evaluation sheet!" Lexi exclaims, overjoyed. The beaming smile on her face makes my lips turn up too.

"See, I told you you're not a shit teacher." I smirk, "I can't believe you actually needed a slip of paper with a signature to tell you that."

She giggles and hugs me, squeezing me tight. As she breaks from our embrace she kisses me and it catches me off guard. It always does for some reason, but now more so than ever given the situation.

She sighs and her beaming smile remains, "I'm so glad it went well."

"Me too, Lex. I knew it would, but I'm happy for you." I smile and fold my arms over my chest. "Proud of you."

She nods her head and lays the paper on the table, pushing her hands through her hair. "How was your Friday?"

"Stressful. This whole week has been." I admit to her.

"Is that why I'm here?" She giggles.

"Shut up. You'd be happy to let me use you if that was the case." I taunt, knowing that is the truth.

She nods and sits down in one of the chairs, getting comfortable. "You're not wrong about that."

"Lucky for you I'm not just using you." I say and walk closer to her, straddling her where she sits and hanging my hands over her shoulders.

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