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Lexi's POV:

I stand in the bedroom, staring at Mia. I'm sure the look on my face isn't a good one.

"Are you going through my phone?" I ask her.

She bites her cheek, "you got a message from Evan. I just checked it and saw the other messages."

I sigh and shove my hand through my hair. Knowing there is no point in lying, I tell the truth... kind of. "I- okay, I knew Evan years ago. Our relationship was complicated back then, and it didn't end on the best of terms. When I saw her at the school.... we both agreed to just start over on a clean slate. I didn't want my dredge up the past any more than I had to, Mia. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

She eyes me, but eventually gives a slow nod. "You said your relationship was complicated. How?"

"It- we were in very different places in our lives and there were some factors that made things a little tense between us. Evan decided it was better for everyone involved if we just ceased all contact." I explain.

Mia takes a deep breath, "that's... a lot to process. You didn't have to lie about it, Lexi. That's shady. Was your relationship romantic?"

I bite my cheek and nod my head yes, not in any hurry to elaborate. I'd rather not advertise that I was sleeping with a pretty significantly older woman while I was eighteen.

She takes a moment, eyeing me. "This is a stupid question, I know... but there is nothing going on between you two now, right?"

I immediately shake my head and grab Mia's hands, "god, no. Mia I would not do that to you. We're just friends. That's all." I assure her, every ounce of the statement being true.

She nods, believing me. "Okay. Thank you for telling me, though I wish it would have been sooner. I wouldn't have invited the girl to a threesome if I knew that information, Lexi." She growls.

A smirk plays on my lips, "yeah, sorry about that one. It made things a bit tense."

Mia takes a breath, "so Evan is the old friend going through some stuff? What's going on?"

I take the opportunity to ask my original question: "So, Evan is in desperate need of some legal help. She can't afford to hire a lawyer that can stand a chance against her ex's, so I thought maybe you could ask your dad if he would do some pro-bono work for her? I mean, I'd be more than happy to pay him, but I don't have much. No one does. Do you think...?" I ask, hopeful.

Mia makes a face and sighs hard, thinking about it. I know she and her father have a good relationship, I just don't know if it's good enough to ask for free legal representation.

"I..." she pauses and glances at me. "I can ask him, Lexi. I don't know what he'll say, but it won't hurt to ask I guess."

I smile a little and hug Mia tightly, kissing her jaw and neck. "I love you, you know that? Your heart is so good."

She giggles and strokes my back, "I love you too, Lexi. I just- I want to help Evan if that's what you want."

I nod and bite my lip, "it is. She doesn't deserve the shit she has to go through anyway, so I'd like to made it a little easier for her." I explain. "I'm gonna take that shower now."

She winks at me and I return to the bathroom, feeling a little less weighed-down knowing that there is an option on the table.

Mia's dad is a very reputable attorney in the surrounding area, and he's got a hot win-streak going on. He is, by no means, cheap... but that is one of the perks of being with Mia I guess.

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