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Lexi's POV:

Upon putting myself in a thirty-five hundred dollar hole, I go home and find Mia already making dinner.

I walk into the kitchen and kiss her cheek, "hey, smells good."

She glances at me and immediately furrows her brows. "Thank you, but what's the matter? You sound stressed baby." Mia questions.

How the hell did she figure that out from a three word statement?

"I-I have a lot on my mind. Mainly work stuff." I lie. Mainly Evan stuff.

"How's Evan?" She asks me. "Did my dad ever give you a call this morning? He said he would."

I nod my head, "yeah I spoke with him. He's gonna represent Evan, so she feels a tiny bit more at-ease about the situation."

Mia nods slowly, "that's good. Are you sure-"

"Mia, please don't push. I just- it's been a long day." I groan, getting irritated more quickly than I usually would.

"More like a long week. You've been so snappy." She frowns.

Her facial expression alone makes me feel all sorts of guilt. "I'm sorry. Just give me some space."

She nods and says nothing further, focusing on dinner.

I go to the bedroom to change clothes, and I lock the door behind me because of the phone call I am about to make.

I already told Evan it's a done deal, so I can't just back out and look like a liar. She'd hate me. I also can't tell Mia that I am funding my ex-love interests legal representation. It looks bad.

So, I call Mia's father and hope for the best.

"Alexis, I wasn't expecting to hear back from you so soon." He answers.

A quiet sigh slips out, "me either. But I needed to speak with you about my friend, Evan."

"Yes, I remember. Is she interested in using my services?" He ponders.

I nod as I answer, "she is. But um- I'll be paying for it."

There is a brief pause followed by a shallow laugh, "you? Granted I don't know your financial situation, but isn't-"

"I'd rather not get into details. I can send you a check tomorrow, and I'd prefer that we keep this between us... meaning don't mention it to Mia?" I beg, hoping he won't rat me out.

After yet another pause, he speaks again. "Alright, Alexis. If that's what you want. The check can be sent to my office or home address."

"Thank you. Have a good night, Richard." I sigh.

I toss the phone onto the bed and fall down beside it. How did I put myself in this situation? And more importantly where am I going to get that kind of money?

I bite my cheek, staring at the ceiling. "Think, Lexi." I whisper. After several seconds of empty thoughts, I get up, frustrated, and change into sweats and a tee.

Just before I walk out of the closet, I see something that sparks an idea in my cluttered brain.

My necklace with my dad's ring. I haven't worn it in years, so I almost forgot about it.

I carefully grab the chain and let it slip through my fingers, thinking. "I promise this is important, daddy." I whisper, my thoughts shifting to the money that was left to me in his will at the time he passed. I was told that it was for a rainy day, or emergencies... and I feel like Evan's situation is both.

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