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Lexi's POV:

I feel pure rage course through my veins at the sight of Katie's smug little grin.

I never spoke to her again after what she did to me. She ruined so many things for me... and it was for no reason at all other than to be a bitch, isn't she just wonderful?

"Well, this is just fucking perfect, huh?" I grin, glancing between my mom and Katie, who I'm sure have been in contact despite the friendship ending.

"Lexi, just be nice." My mom presses. I get the feeling that my mom told Katie she was here, which again comes as no surprise to me.

By this time, Evan is raising her head from her short-lived nap and taking in her surroundings.

"Is that Mrs. Copeland?" Katie gasps as Evan's face comes into view.

Evan clears her throat and pushes her hair around, "Johnson." She corrects, probably not even realizing who she is speaking to yet.

"Get out." I hiss, standing up and walking over to Katie.

She laughs in my face and shakes her head, "I'm just working, Lexi."

I don't know how a bitch like her got a job as a nurse, but she damn sure did. What did these poor patients do to deserve that?

"Alexis, you sit down and stop acting a fool." My mom hisses, choosing sides.

"Me? Are you seriously siding with this bitch over your daughter?" I laugh, motioning to the girl in scrubs.

My mom says nothing and I hear Evan sigh and feel her hand on my shoulder. "Let's take a walk, Lex." She says.

Evan (literally) pushes me out of the room, my shoulder brushing Katie's pretty hard as I pass her.

Evan forces me to come with her down the hall and out the door, making a lap around the building.

"I was asleep for less than an hour." She starts off. "Quite the sight to wake up to."

I shake my head, "of all the fucking people, she had to be here. I swear, Ev. I hate her. That's the only person I can say that I feel a deep, burning hatred for."

"I know, and you have a right to hate her. Shit, I have a right to hate her. I just don't want to see you do something you'll regret later. Don't let her have that satisfaction, Lex." Evan reminds me. I know she's right, but Katie's face is like a magnet for my fist.

"Your mom said something to me." Evan says, changing the subject, though the subject still manages to piss me off beyond measure.

I stop walking and my brows raise, "what did she say?"

Evan shrugs and gives a half-smile, trying to act like it's no big deal. "She just filled me in on how I ruined your life and how I need to grow up and make smarter decisions, the usual."

I turn to walk back into the hospital, ready to beat Katie's ass and cuss my own mother out too, but Evan grabs my arm and stops me. "Hey."

"How are you so fucking unbothered?!" I ask Evan, genuinely confused.

She shakes her head, her voice totally calm. "If there is one thing I have learned in this life it is that some things and some people just are not worth it, Lexi. Not everyone is going to like you or the life you live, and if you try to constantly fit that mold or make people see things your way, you will be absolutely miserable. What Katie or your mom say, think, or do doesn't have to impact either one of us. It only does if we let it." Evan plants her words of wisdom in my brain and my blood boils a bit less, but I'm still upset. I have this insatiable urge to defend Evan at all times.

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