» ᶠᴼᴿᵀᵞ-ᵀᴴᴿᴱᴱ «

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again sorry for this. i feel like this book got too sad so i'm sorry if it's not what you expected it to be. also y'all are cute in my twitter dms. anyways i'm talking too much enjoy :)

"are you boys excited to see mom again?" hongjoong asked, glancing in the rear view mirror to look at all the boys, which most of them were sitting eagerly and smiling. "yeah!" a few exclaimed.

the parent smiled and looked back at the road.

they were waiting at a red light, music playing quietly from the radio. yunho and mingi were in the first row of seats, betting on who would get to hug seonghwa first. wooyoung and jongho were in the second row, with wooyoung chuckling at the older boys' bets, and jongho with his headphones in, looking out the window with a neutral look on his face. then, yeosang and san were in the back, with san kicking his feet out of excitement and smiling brightly, and yeosang just looking out the window. he was still bothered about the breakup.

once the light turned green, hongjoong began moving the car through the intersection.

but, suddenly, hongjoong heard a bunch of horns, and he turned to see what was happening.

it felt like time stopped.

a huge 18-wheeler truck was barreling towards their van. the parent tried to react, but everything was going in slow motion. it had become so silent and numb that he couldn't even find the strength to push down on the gas pedal, not even slightly.

reality only returned once hongjoong felt himself being flung to the side.

all he heard was ringing, occasionally hearing a few screams and faint sounds of metal clashing together. everything went black for a bit, and when his sight returned, he was being pulled out of the van, the car flipped onto its right side, the left side being completely pushed in and ruined.

he finally felt his strength come back, and he got on his feet and turned to look at the car.

his eyes watered and panic filled him as he realized there were strangers trying to pull his own children out of the car. he wanted so bad to help them, but there were people holding him back, and he felt weak, like he couldn't keep his balance.

"there's six of them!" "the boy says two of them are unconscious!" "will the paramedics be here soon?" "there's the ambulance!"

hongjoong sat down as he listened to all the yelling people were doing. he heard sirens coming closer and closer, as a group of people were climbing up and attempting to pull the boys up and out.

the father hid his face in his hands and began to weep, completely disregarding the people who were trying to ask him questions.

he glanced back at re car, seeing them pull wooyoung up.

once the most uninjured child was put down, he immediately ran to hongjoong, falling right into his father's arms and crying.

"i'm so sorry.. i'm so sorry.." the dad muttered.

"d-dad, mingi a-and san wouldn't w-w-wake up.. i didn't know what to do.." "shh.. they'll be okay, i promise... did you see everyone? do you know if they're o-okay?"

wooyoung lowered his head, muttering "i-i don't know, i didn't see them super clearly.. i was panicking... y-yunho is okay.. but the o-others.. jongho was sh-shaking, really violently.. yeosang was bleeding s-so much, especially on h-his head.. he was clenching his neck and i th-think choking.."

hongjoong slowly looked back at the car, realizing that yunho was still in the car, helping the paramedics get all of his precious brothers out.

he suddenly saw them lay yeosang on a stretcher, then suddenly having to turn him over, as the child began coughing up something liquid. hongjoong felt like he was going to pass out when he realized it was blood he was coughing up.

he looked like he was crying, though no sound was coming out of his mouth.

hongjoong connected the dots. severe head injury, neck injury, zero sound coming from him despite him seemingly trying hard to scream. he hoped with all of his heart that it wasn't what he thought it was.

he then watched as the paramedics pulled an unconscious mingi out of the car, followed by an also unconscious san.

he realized jongho was already out, as they pulled out yunho and moved the injured victims away from the car.

"sir, are all six of these boys your children?" "y-yes.." "we are taking them all to the same hospital, though some may need to be transported to different ones. we're going to take you and the two uninjured boys in the police car to the hospital. so please, follow me." he explained and began to walk towards a cop car.

hongjoong, yunho, and wooyoung were all checked by doctors. they found that the two kids were unharmed, and needed no medical attention (except for a few bandages), but hongjoong had actually broken some bones, and was taken into a hospital room, which left the boys alone.

the two kids had to wait in the hallway until seonghwa found a way to get there.

they sat on a small bench in front of some of the hospital rooms, waiting anxiously to hear any news about their brothers' conditions.

wooyoung was motionless, still in shock and trying to process everything that'd just happened.

meanwhile, yunho was breaking down. he was sobbing into his hands, his whole body trembling as he panicked. he was so worried about the boys, especially since he saw all of them up close, as he'd helped them out of the car.

the younger glances at his oldest brother, and it broke his heart to see the boy so upset. he'd seen yunho cry plenty of times, but never as hard as he was now.

he realized something—something he, sadly, never thought he would think—and that was that he was so glad yunho was okay.

he didn't know what he would've done if something bad happened to yunho. he wouldn't be able to live with himself, knowing that his last words to his brother could've been "i hate you." he was so thankful yunho was there, alive and breathing.

he decided to take the opportunity to wrap his arm around the older.

the gesture took yunho by surprise for a moment, but he was too focused on his worry for the others that he barely paid attention to it.

"yunho. look at me." wooyoung suddenly said.

the oldest went silent. he took a deep breath, then straightening his back and turning his head, looking directly into the younger's eyes. at first, his glare was fierce; full of anger, regret, worry, etc.

but once he saw the sincerity on wooyoung's face, yunho's expression softened.

wooyoung placed his hands on his brother's shoulders, barely even remembering to blink as he stared at him.

"yunho, i promise, it'll be okay. they're strong, they'll make it through this. mom will be here in no time, dad will be out soon, we'll get to visit the boys and i promise, they'll all be okay. but.. i understand why you're panicking. you had to haul two do your unconscious brothers out of a car wreck, for christ's sake. i don't blame you. but trust me, it'll all be okay. we'll get to go home again, all eight of us. okay?" he made a mini speech.

yunho, without a second thought, wasted no time to jump right into a hug.

ok so mama is happening ina. few hours
bruh i'm so excitedhdjskwkfbfbdkspjs
also red carpet is at midnight for me and the show starts at 2am for me which means it'll end around 5-6am.. and i usually wake up at 7am for school soo... guess who might not sleep at all

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