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"are they still in there?" seonghwa asked.

san nodded and bit his lip, trying to hold back a chuckle. hongjoong had taken yunho and wooyoung into wooyoung's room, and set a timer while sitting in there for ten minutes, making the two hold hands for those ten minutes. san found it hilarious that hongjoong was making them do this.

"what? why are you laughing?" seonghwa asked as his lips formed into a smile.

"well, i don't know, it's just funny because of how much wooyoung and yunho hate each other, and now they're holding hands and they probably hate it." san giggled as he spoke, making seonghwa chuckle.

"well, it's what they get for fighting so much. god, they give me worse headaches than when you were all babies and cried every day."

"they're lucky dad cut it down to ten minutes."

"yeah, they re—"

seonghwa stopped when the doorbell rang. before he could even take one step towards the door, yeosang came zooming through the living room and to the front door, almost falling flat on his face in the process.

he swung open the door, and the two saw a mail truck outside about to drive away, while yeosang started jumping around in excitement.

seonghwa finally walked to the door, asking "hey, what's that?"

yeosang payed no attention to the parent, instead jumping onto the huge box sitting on the porch and trying his best to wrap his small arms around the big cardboard box and embrace it.

that's when seonghwa read "skateboard ramps" on the side of the box.

"who let you buy ramps?!" seonghwa said in shock, wondering why he wasn't told about this big purchase. those were probably really expensive.

yeosang finally lifted himself, signing 'dad let me buy them!' quickly as he was still jumping around. seonghwa could barely make out what the child was trying to sign to him.

"oh, did they come?" hongjoong suddenly spoke.

everyone turned towards the hallway, seeing a proud looking hongjoong walking towards them while an unhappy yunho and angry wooyoung followed.

yeosang nodded. 'can we go open them?'

hongjoong looked at seonghwa, whose jaw was still dropped at the randomness of this.

"yeah, let's go out and set them up."

hongjoong, seonghwa, yeosang, san, and jongho ended up going outside, with hongjoong and yeosang setting up the ramps, jongho using his strength to carry the heavyweight bags over so that the ramps would stay in place, and seonghwa and san watching from the sidewalk.

once they finished setting up the two ramps, yeosang sprinted into the garage to grab his favorite skateboard (at the time he owned three).

the four sat on the sidewalk, as the rest of the kids came out of the house to join them, and watched yeosang come rolling down the driveway on his flower-decorated skateboard.

seonghwa made sure the child was wearing all of his protective gear, so that he wouldn't get hurt.

the ramps weren't very steep; they were only for beginners, after all. plus they'd set up the ramps pretty close to each other, making this an easy start for yeosang to practice with.

yeosang positioned himself pretty far away, so that he'd have time to get enough momentum.

'ready?' he signed. everyone gave him thumbs up.

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