Ch 3 - Dangerous Play

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Warnings: adult

Jiwook threw the elder a glare so fierce that it would shoot thunders and roast the other like a toast, if not the deep redness on his face, which it didn't seem to fade any time soon. Red, very red and juicy plump were his lips as well, like someone just applied a gorgeous red velvet lipstick on it.

Joohoon licked his lips, the view in front of him inviting to mess up even more with the younger. His eyes sparked dangerously and a subtle grin was pinned on the elder's hungry expression. Jiwook gulped. He understood perfectly what Joohoon was thinking to do next and where everything led to. He trembled involuntarily, stood quickly though unsteady enough to fall back down and began to make small steps back.

Joohoon's smile widened.

- You plan to run away... you did it once - Joohoon made big steps ahead getting closer to the younger. He caught his both hands rather easily and held it up tightly- do you really think that I'll let you ran off this time as well?!

Jiwook tried helplessly to break free, but without success.

- Let me go!

Joohoon just moved closer.

- P-please.

The elder stopped but just for a second. He continued right away.

- Please! I beg you! - cried out Jiwook, his eyes watering ready to let big tears fall at any moment.

Unfortunately it didn't work. On the contrary, it just made Joohoon even more excited. God, he wanted the younger to cry and beg more, to call his name, to moan, to be on his mercy. The chain of thoughts triggered an unstoppable urge to subdue, to possess the other entirely. What a dangerous desire.

And just like a tiger on a hunt he rushed at the light's speed and attacked his victim, devouring it slowly, tasting each part, each curve, each line of them, savoring with great pleasure how his pray tried to fight back but slowly and eventually submitted to him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The dawn broke the dark night sky, which were opaque and dull, without stars, without the moon, it seemed frozen and distant... and cold. A gray thread of heavy smoke was dissolving in the sky's nothingness, trying helplessly to touch it. Joohoon followed the thread with his half-closed eyes as if cheering for it to fly further, but in the end his cigarette was nearly finished, so he put it aside, letting out a long sigh.

He had a lot of thoughts on his mind, which just randomly run through and through, but he had no strength nor desire to order them at all. Some contradicted the other, and it resulted in a heavy headache. Unfortunately the smoke didn't help him clear up his mind either. A second later he stood and headed to the basement room.

Once entering it, he approached an old double sofa at the farthest of that room, and found a shivering sleeping body on it. It was cold enough but that shiver wasn't just because of cold. Jiwook, with his hair drenched in cold sweat and his nude body all curved like a bow, was groaning continuously, interrupting his breathing in his sleep. He was clearly in pain, physical and mental, tired and weak, but it seemed the sleeping didn't help him rest either. Like he was fighting his enemy even in his dreams.

His face, pale like a ghost became like a glass due to the countless tears shed the entire night and even now, cold tears were falling uncontrollably, making his already very puffy and red eyes, even more swollen. Joohoon sat beside him and reached to wipe his tears, the gesture so gentle like he was afraid that Jiwook would break in shattered pieces. Without his notice, he made a twisted expression, like he was himself in pain, the other hand clenched tightly in a fist with his nails digging deeply his skin.

His play should have brought him much more satisfaction and enjoyment, oh it did but... staying now there watching the end of his game, didn't make him pleased at all. Though it was hard to tell. Just a hour back he was high, at the top of pleasure and thrill, not even care of anything at all, nor the younger's cries, nor his tears or pleas.

Joohoon closed his eyes, as Jiwook's view was making his heart incomprehensible tighten. His thoughts were a mess and he needed something to sort it out. For now some time without Jiwook around - decided Joohoon and tried to leave, but Jiwook's sudden mumbling stopped him,

- No... - his hands holding tightly the border of the sofa - don't leave... me... ple-ase.

Jiwook's voice sounded so weak like it was on the verge to break, his hands continued to squeeze hard the fabric as if he desperately wanted to hold into someone.

- Please...

... Joo...hoon.

The last word was barely audible, looking like he uttered it with the last strengths of his voice.

Joohoon was lost for a moment. He wasn't expecting to hear that. Not his name. He thought, he was the last person Jiwook would call... after what he did. He felt conflicted. His lack of sleep and his heavy headache were making his temples twist in pain. He couldn't bear it anymore.

He looked one last time at Jiwook as he continued to shiver, he took off his jacket and covered the younger the best he could. It's not like it would help, but Jiwook seemed to shiver less; he curved himself even more and tried to pull the jacket closer. Joohoon's hand rested a moment longer on the younger's shoulder and then he took it back. Somehow this small gesture made Jiwook feel a little warmer and his tears stopped to fall as well. His breathing was surprisingly a little more relaxed too.

A barely visible smile escaped Joohoon's lips, as he softly sighed in relief. A second more he looked at the younger's now steady breathing, then turned quietly and left.

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