Ch 28 - Reason

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- Welcome home.

Taemin was embraced softly by Woojin from his back as if he waited all day for him in front of his floor's door. He dropped his head lightly on top of the other's, a habit he couldn't break after he got used to Taemin's new adorable height.

He was squeezing him in a warm hug and heard the elder sigh.

- You were at the hospital again, weren't you?!

It was more of an affirmation than a question.

Taemin said nothing, not meeting the younger's eyes.

- I don't get why you gave to go there every day. Why'd you have to play family with them?

That wasn't the best choice of words.

Taemin threw an angry glare at his lover making him take his hands away and do a step back from him.

Woojin was silently watching all those days without saying anything, but he felt it - something was making Taemin anxious and what happened with Han Jiwook, or what the last told him, might have been the main reason for that.

Taemin fell on the sofa in visible exhaustion, closing his eyes, he had yet to tell Woojin about everything. He hesitated the last days using the need to visit the hospital and Han's residence as an excuse, to delay that talk as much as possible.

It seemed he couldn't do that anymore.

- He knows.

It was an abrupt statement, which had nothing to do with what Woojin said earlier.

- What do you mean-

- Han Jiwook knows who I am.

Woojin was dumbstruck for a moment yet he needed further clarification.

- What?

- Han Jiwook knows I'm Yoon Taemin. He knows that his brother ... is dead.

Woojin need a moment to gather his thoughts before that almost absurd posibility.

- ... How?

Taemin buried his face in his hands, his voice slowly rising.

- I don't know. Could be that meeting we had in the café and he noticed something, my phone he looked through, or that fucker of kidnapper who did that all to him!

They didn't talk about the circumstances of the assault after they found Han Jiwook, as if that was a minefield to enter for the both of them.

- They wanted Han Siwon-

- THEY WANTED ME! Yoon Taemin!... Because it wasn't Han Siwon that got close to you. It wasn't him that's in a secret relationship with you. It's me, and is goddam obvious why they targeted me.

Woojin barely surpressed an aching expression as the thought that the most precious person in this world for him could end in place of Han Jiwook teared his heart apart.

- Don't do that.

Taemin spoke commending, catching up with Woojin's thoughts.

- It's not because of you, that's that stalker's fault and even if I'd have been in Jiwook's place, I wouldn't end our-

- DON'T!...

Woojin trembled slightly, his mind replaying the most horrendous scene in his life, with the hurt and bleeding Han Jiwook, whom he saw as Taemin at that moment. He wouldn't forgive himself if that, not even a fraction of it, or anything would have happened to Taemin.

- ... Don't even say... it could be you.

Taemin's look softened at the younger's words, he knew Woojin have had nightmares about that and though he's a person that could hide very well what he was really feeling, at that moment Woojin was anxious and maybe affected much more than he tried to show it.

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