Ch 20 - His Resolve

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- Jiwook-ah!

The little boy turned back worried and rushed to help his brother, who tripped over and fell down with a loud thud, a burst of cries followed next two times louder, huge drops of tears falling like a waterfall.

- Jiwook-ah are you ok? Does it hurt?

- *sob It huuuurts!

Though they were the same age, a mirror version of each other, Han Jiwook and Han Siwon were nonetheless more different than alike as persons. Siwon with a bright and charming personality, brave and righteous, always looking out for others, somehow too mature for his age, a quick thinker but also naïve and too kind for his own sake, trusting and honest for no reason.

Contrary to him, Jiwook was very shy and more of a gloomy child, a scaredy-cat that always hid himself behind his older brother, easy frightened and a cry-baby, which was why he was often teased and picked on by other kids. Even so there was always Siwon to help him and take his side, even if he was in trouble or about to be scolded, Siwon took half of the blame and just smiled to Jiwook, often holding his hand as if trying to give him a sense of safety. Maybe as his twin brother, the closest person to him, he could feel and understand better than anyone Jiwook's anxiety, his unease and hardships.

Siwon kneeled in front of him, took a handkerchief from his pocket and put it on the blooding scratch that Jiwook got on his knee, blowing on the wound to ease the pain, then wrapped it carefully.

- *Sob. Sob. Aww!

Siwon wiped his brother's tears with his sleeve and shushed him, trying to calm him down, his smile warm and wide, loving, the one reserved just for his little brother. He always felt protective towards him and proud to be the big brother to whom Jiwook could rely.

He patted the other's head with his small hand and Jiwook soon ceased to cry.

- H-hyung, he picked up his robot toy that had one leg broken from the fall earlier - *sniff w-what should I do? I broke it *sniff.

He was about to break in tears again, but thankfully his brother was quick to think of a solution. He took his own robot and removed a leg as well, then brought the both toys together and started to change their hands and readjust it.

During the wait Jiwook curiously looked at what his brother did, suddenly excited and expectant, his eyes slowly catching sparks, tears long since vanished away. When Siwon gave him the robots with its arms crossed tight enough that now even on one leg each, it stood firm, each of it supported by the other.

- Wow!

Jiwook was truly amazed, his expression brightening right away. He then smiled widely, fascinated even, like he just witnessed some kind of magic in front of him. He jumped overjoyed holding the toys close, he completely forgot about his injury or that he was crying a moment ago, too excited to care.

- Look! Look! It doesn't fall anymore. Thank you Hyung!

Siwon just smiled along side with him, genuinely happy that Jiwook's pure smile was back.

- Yay! Hyung, you're the best!

Jiwook hugged his brother, took his hand and started to hurry and drag him home, to show their parents as fast as possible, what his amazing brother did for him.


Jiwook felt a familiar warm touch gliding below his closed eyes, wiping his tears it seemed, and then a light brush on his forehead along with a gentle squeeze of arms, which brought him the most comforting sensation he felt in his life and to start the day with it, was trully a blessing.

- Did you have a bad dream?

Joohoon's husky low voice poured like honey in his ear, too close almost, tickling and making him feel like floating in clouds.

Jiwook opened his eyes and wondered if he was still dreaming. In the golden morning sunlight, Joohoon's pale peach blonde hair was glowing unearthly, messy curves dangling lovely in all sides, urging Jiwook to bury his hands in it and detangle each of it endearingly, which he was surely planning to do. Joohoon's eyes radiated so much warmth, kindness and affection, that for a long time Jiwook just stared in his eyes and felt himself drowning helplessly in it.

Oh, he would overcome all this world's hardships just to be able to meet those eyes.

- No, he shook his head. It was a good dream. Maybe the best I ever had... though it wasn't actually a dream even.

- Hm?

- It's a memory. I think when I was still a child. Too young to understand many things...

He slid both his hands in the elder's hair and started to softly play with it, Joohoon, letting him be, laid himself on top of Jiwook, his head on the younger's chest, of course not releasing his hold on him either, even tightening it around his back instead.

- ... I remembered my brother. I forgot what a bright child he was. I chased after him everywhere and he pulled me out of troubles most of times. I relied on him so much, he was always beside me, often taking the blame for me... I think I've really looked up to him. Back then... it was easier. It was simple. We were so close... Yeah, I guess I depended too much on him and then we drifted apart with the time, I started to hate him... though it was ... it is me I actually hate.

Joohoon shifted a bit and moved his head to Jiwook, resting his chin on the other's chest to find out his expression, but still not considering to get up. It looked so cute, almost funny, that Jiwook couldn't help but puff in small laughs, wondering if anyone on this earth was able to see Joohoon like this but him.

No, no one... and he felt delighted knowing that.

"Gosh how irresistible.", thought he and caressed the elder's cheek, Joohoon leaning in his touch, his eyes closed and expression utterly defenseless. Jiwook never thought the elder could act cute and sweet like that, his heart fluttering from joy and adoration for him.

He became rather talkative as of late, but of course, then he had a close person which he trusted and in whom he found comfort and understanding, he would expose everything of him, would bare his soul in front of the other happily, eagerly. He just hoped he'd not tire Joohoon with it.

- My blabbering get's awfully annoying, does it?

- Not really. You can tell me whatever you want, don't worry, he then suddenly moved up on his elbows, his face dangerously close to Jiwook - though I like it in a more "productive" way.

He got back a nice view of the younger's pink blush across his face and bowed to have a taste of it himself.

Jiwook, for one, had nothing against that, being gifted with dozens of tender caresses and sweet ministrations enough to making him all giddy inside.

If time would just stop, how delightful would that be.

However he had to do something first. A small matter. Nothing hard.

And after that, he'll return back.
To his heaven.

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