Ch 31 - Madness pt. 1

43 3 44

Trigger Warnings : graphic violance


Utter, absolute, sheer madness.", thought Taemin once again questioning what the fucking hell were they about to do.

- If we are caught, we'll get years in jail.

- We will not...

Though Woojin said it firmly, it didn't sound that reassuring, not one bit.

- We have the plan. Just need to stick to it.

Yes, contrary to the time when they rushed immediately to save Jiwook with no plan and preparation whatsoever, now they had it all planned and thought thorough. All was ready, all preparation done, they took care of everything, even if unexpected variables came into the play.

However, the risk was too high. Yes, they were desperate, but was it really to that extent? One wrong step and they all could meet a tragic end.

Especially Joohoon, whose role was crucial yet very dangerous in their so called plan, since for it to work, he needed to go to them alone.

It was simple. Or at least it should be.

Their "hacker"-person caught on the group's call, ordering yukgaejang (korean beef soup) and in seconds they all proceeded to do their part. It seemed the kidnappers let their guard down, as three weeks passed since the incident and they used the same phone number. The hacker had the line in his grasp, so now even though the call was very short, it was enough for him to track them down.

They would catch up with the deliveryman, pay him a hefty sum to give them the order, lend the bike, even the restaurant's uniform shirt. Next step was for one of them to take it over and go alone, disguised, to the kidnappers' place, act as the perfect ordinary deliverer of soups and not fail in giving them the said soup, that now had a bear dose of tranquilizer in it, of course all without raising even a scrap of doubt on him.

Out of them three, only Joohoon could do the job, since they knew both Woojin and Taemin and the dangerous task fell solely on him.

It was their only chance. If the group sniffled something fishy and would run away, they could risk to never find them again, or worse if Joohoon would get discovered, it would be...

Taemin refused to even think what could happen then. Both Jiwook and Joohoon were so reckless, that it was frightening to watch them.

God help them with the maddening plan.

- He got them.

Woojin said, after he took the call from Joohoon, Taemin beside him sighed in relief.

That was a whole lot better.

They both were on their way to Joohoon, still with an anxious dread in their gut. The tranquilizer should work for minimum 2 hours, still they needed to be fast enough to drop them to another designed place, before they would wake up. Three boys who barely reached adulthood, were no match for a group of build up "gangsters" with a full scale record of crimes and that was to put it nicely.

If realistically, even if their plan would succeed, they couldn't really send them to the police after, only if the policemen were blind and stupid enough to believe them. Believe in their so called "explanation" as though Han Siwon was called again, he brought friends and somehow the kidnappers ended up drugged, knocked out, well, the whole package.

Min and Han families, not to add that it was the victim's family, could still use their status to let it "slip"... somehow, but not for Joohoon. If there would be solid evidences found against him, it would be the end.

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