17. On the edge of Nowhere & Between

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SR: hishitsu - idealism // Nourish - we're not good together anymore



I slid my lips over Lucinda's, picking her up and sliding her legs over my hips. We walked past the two vampire guards she had posted outside her room. Her legs crossed around my waist tightly and I pressed her body against my chest, effortlessly carrying her to the door.

Sagan tugged on Luce's hair, pulling out the pins and letting it fall around her face and down her back. I tangled my hand into her hair, tugging on it softly.

"Are you sure they're not going to listen in?" I whispered, running my tongue up the length of her neck.

"That never stopped you before," Luce smirked.

I chuckled darkly, "with the things I'm going to do to you, I think it'd be best if they didn't."

"The door, Luce," Sagan interrupted. She raised her head and glanced at me, giving an expression that made me lift my brow.

"Key card," Luce moaned as I planted kisses along her neck and jaw, "it's in its usual spot."

Sagan reached into Luce's breasts without hesitation, pulling out a black silky card. She grinned as Luce gave her a lustful gaze. Luce grabbed Sagan's jaw and brought her lips to hers.

Sagan laughed softly as Luce kissed her again.

"Wait until we're inside," she winked, approaching the door and sliding the card against the reader. She threw the door open and whistled softly, "Nice digs, Luce."

I looked around for a brief moment, taking in the penthouse. There was a small lobby we walked into and three rooms squared-off, the left one leading straight into the master bedroom.

I headed there immediately, taking in the four-poster bed that had thick black curtains surrounding it.

I threw Luce onto the bed, grinning softly. She lifted her arms and tugged me down by my earlobes. I felt a shudder of pleasure run down my back followed by instant revulsion.

Luce was sorely mistaken if she was trying to get lucky.

"You both know what I want," Luce deftly undid my shirt buttons one by one as she planted kissed along my collarbone.

My gut rolled as I remember what I was here for. I couldn't get swept in Lucinda's seduction. I needed to get to the point. "Of course."

I turned to Sagan and tipped my head at her. She stalked forward and held out her hand. "Give me your tie, let's have some real fun."

I glanced down and nodded, tugging it off. I passed it to her and Sagan took Luce's wrist and tied it to the bed.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing onto the curtain and shredding the fabric quickly, using them to tie Luce to the bed at her ankles and other wrist.

I moved faster than her eyes could track and Luce leaned forward; her face dumbfounded. Distrust crossed her eyes for a brief moment, but I gave her a goofy grin as if this was just us getting frisky.

"I'm sure those ancient duds down there wouldn't even notice you were gone," I rocked forward and nuzzled my nose into her neck, breathing deeply. A faint smell of something sweet and bitter wafted toward me.

The scent reminded me of funeral flowers.

I straddled her and grabbed the neckline of her sequined dress, ripping it down her front, not caring that she would have to change. She wouldn't be making it to the party later, so it didn't matter.

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