2. wait until you see my heart from the inside.

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Song Recommendation: The Neighbourhood -Daddy Issues



For a moment, I was getting ready for her to reject me. I knew I came off too strong but I wanted to get to the point if I was going to shag this woman. Hearing that she was inexperienced enticed me more. I loved to see bashful women squirm.

"Yes," she declared, throwing me completely off my game. I didn't expect her to agree so easily.


"Yes," she repeated, "I'll spend the night with you."

"What about your friends?" At this point, I felt like I was making more excuses for myself than her.

"I'm an adult, they know that," she waved off, "do you live nearby?"

I was utterly dumbfounded. I didn't think Marina had the guts to agree. I really wasn't expecting her to comply so easily. I didn't want her to feel obligated to do so because of the other night.

"Are you sure that Flynn guy wouldn't be upset? He acted like your boyfriend." Shut up, Eryn! You're ruining this for yourself.

It was Marina's turn to chuckle. "No, he's just overprotective of me."

"I live across the street," I remarked, getting up quickly.

Marina stood up and leaned on me heavily, probably feeling the effects of the cocktail. She looked up at me. "Whoa, you're super tall."

I laughed shaking my head. "Perhaps you've had too much to drink. It would be unfair to take advantage of you like this."

"You sound like you're trying to get out of this, Eryn," Marina went up on her tiptoes and planted her lips on a sliver of skin that showed on my collarbone. She kissed the spot of a tattoo that faded over the years, one that I covered up the marks I hated. Her scent wafted towards me and I knew I couldn't chicken out of this. This was exactly what I sought.

"Should we tell your friends before we go?" As much as I wanted to do all the dirty things to could think of to her, we needed to tell her friends. It was something that kept me in control. If they knew about me, I knew I had to return her.

Temptation could be deadly.

Mari nodded, clutching my hand and pulling me along with her. Oh, how the tables have turned. She had an air of dominance when she was under the influence. It was strangely hot. I let her pull me into the crowd.

We found her friends by the edge of the dancefloor seeming like they were having a good time. Except for Flynn, of course. I felt as if he was the sour puss of this friend group. I've been around too long to not notice when someone has a crush on someone. Flynn was unquestionably crushing on Marina. Too bad I was going to have her under me tonight.

Yeah too bad for him, I thought. I stifled a smirk that was trying to crawl its way to my face.

Marina tapped Sydney. "Hey, me and Eryn are going to head out. I'll talk a cab—"

"No, I'll drive you back to wherever you're staying in the morning," I interjected. It was the least I could do.

"In the morning?" Ally raised a curious brow. A grin spread on her face as understanding crossed her eyes.

I smirked and winked at her. "Yes, in the morning. Don't worry, she'll be safe with me."

Sydney glanced over at our interlocked hands and nodded. "Be careful, Mari."

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