asylum - fourteen

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  The sound of rattling keys can be heard as Taejoon takes out the key for the door of the apartment.


  The door of the three sisters' room slightly sounds when Joon slowly swings it open. After making sure that all of his nieces are sound asleep, he heads to his room.

  Lights are closed, curtains are shut, just like how he left them. He breathes out in relief and is just about to close the door when his instincts tingle.

  "What are you doing here?" He voices out.

  No response.

  Joon scans the room. Nothing. No one is there. But, then again, he's in the dark and whoever else is in that room, for sure isn't wearing any neon clothing with a sign that says, 'I'm here.'

  "You don't have to stay quiet, I know you are," Joon says.

  A faint step is heard.

  The policeman's ears are sharp to deduce where it came from and his head whips to the right corner of the room which is just near the window.

  Joon readies his hand at his baton since guns are only given to officers during on-site missions. But, just as he takes a step forward, the hidden figure leaps out of his hiding spot and dashes to the window.

  Like a bolt, he swiftly unlatches it and jumps out. Joon curses and chases but, when he looks out, the figure is already nowhere in sight.

  He punches his fist onto his table, angered when he notices the scattered papers and folders on his table. The moonlight shines on the white sheets and he picks one up, a picture of Jaemin.

  He took back all the researched materials from the case that has gone cold. Since Jaemin was one of the suspects of Seolla's murder, there were files about him that were researched.

  Joon stares at the picture before looking out the window again, a look of determination on his face.

- - -

  "I can't believe it's time for school again," Mei Zhen groans as she and her sisters are on their way to study, being sent by their Uncle Joon.

  Xing stares out the window. "What I can't believe more is how mom and dad decided to extend their trip. Now, they're going off to Hawaii."

  The car then, decelerates and eventually halts. "Have fun at school, girls! Not too much, though, alright?"

  "Yeah, sure," Zhen chuckles out before she and her sisters exit the car. 

  Coincidentally, Mark and his brothers are also, just arriving and bright smiles surface when they see the three. 

  "Mei Zhen!" Chenle calls. 

  She and the other two females turn and wave at them. "Hey, guys!" She exclaims and her uncle's ears perk up. 

  The group of seven walk up to the three right as Uncle Joon steps out the car. "Good morning, fellas!" 

  Seven pairs of observant eyes turn to him and for a very, very short second- just a split, a dark expression is seen on their faces before it morphs into a bright, welcoming look.

  "Morning too, Uncle Joon!" Jaemin greets, equally enthusiastic. 

  Uncle Joon looks at him and gives a smile before at the other brothers. "Keep an eye on the girls, alright? I don't want them sleeping away in class." 

  "Don't worry, we will," Jisung says, gritting his teeth. 

  Of course, Uncle Joon meant to keep the girls safe in case Jaemin decides to do something uncalled for. Little does he know, the brothers are all the same. 

  Uncle Joon reenters his car and drives off. Jaemin keeps a sharp eye on the vehicle until it disappears out of sight.  

 "Old man got his eye on me," Jaemin speaks lowly, enough for only Mark, who is standing beside him, to hear. 

  Mark scoffs. 

  The group enters the school gates and head to their classes. Just as first period is about to start, an announcement plays through the speakers. 

  "Good morning, students. Today, we will take a few minutes to say a few words for our two kind and loved students, friends and brothers, Lee Junho and Kim Wonryul. They have left us during the summer holidays and forever, we shall remember them," the teacher speaks and many students who just knew about the news, gasp in disbelief. 

  Mei Lien's eyes widen at the news of Wonryul's death and she turns to see his usual group of friends. All are gloomy and heartbroken, some are sniffing and wiping their stray tears while some are just silent and still with a downcast look on their faces. 

  Losing two of their bestfriends is terrible. Just thinking about it is unbearable.

  Lien must have sensed their pain for a tear unknowingly, drops from her eye before another does. Quietly, her tears flow and soak the palm of her hands.

  Jaemin and Hyuck notice her crying and Hyuck pats her back while Jaemin approaches to give her a hug. He has nothing to say- he doesn't want to. 

  He just can't seem to understand on why Mei Lien is so sad for someone else that has no deep relation with her whatsoever. 

  His brows furrow as his heart feels a burning sensation. Anger.

  Mei Lien crying, it frustrates him. He can't sympathize, he doesn't know what to do. He hates seeing her cry for someone else. He despises it. Maybe, just maybe, if he does something for her, she'll stop crying? 

  Or maybe, if he keeps her to himself, she'll never cry for anyone else other than him. 

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