seven; sweet juice box

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"First, wait and see what he does. If he continues on being a brat then, do what you think is best."

Mark's words repeat over and over again in Jaemin's head as he grips his pencil tightly.

Lien and Hyuck are away at the vending machine to buy drinks for the three of them while Jaemin, insists on staying inside the classroom, saying he's lazy to Lien when in reality, he just wants to make sure Junho stays within his boundaries.

Nothing is out of the ordinary, Junho's chatting and laughing with his friends- joyous.

Lien comes back with Hyuck and passes Jaemin's drink to him.
"Here you go."

Jaemin turns to her, suddenly feeling all bright and chirpy again. "Thanks!"

"Hey, Mei Lien," Junho abruptly appears and Jaemin almost, almost, snapped the pencil in his hand half.

Lien smiles, putting her drink down on Jaemin's table since she and Hyuck have their chairs around. "Hi, Junho. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Oh, and uh, I was wondering if you're gonna attend the 10-day summer camp," Junho asks.

The girls nods. "Yeah, because apparently attendance is compulsory."

Jaemin puts his drink down and taps his pencil onto his table slowly, soundlessly. "Why do you ask? Are you... coming?" Jaemin raises his eyes, meeting Junho's.

An eerie and uncomfortable feeling tugs on his heartstrings. Disturbed.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I'm coming. Are you?" He replies, ignoring the weird and unwanted sensation.

Jaemin smiles. "Of course, I am. You think, I won't?" His eyes bore into Junho's as if staring right into his soul when the teacher suddenly, enters and makes the students return to their designated seats.

Junho exhales the breath he hadn't realize he was holding and puts a hand over his chest to feel his racing heart. Fear.

Jaemin glares at Junho's back, his fist shaking in anger until a snap! is heard and Jaemin inhales to calm himself down as he drops the now, broken pencil on his table.


"Who reaches the cafeteria last is a chicken!" A guy shouts at his group of friends and starts dashing to the cafeteria, leaving his friends behind.

"Hey! That isn't fair, jerk!" One of his friends shout back and starts running.

Jeno watches them while leaning against the wall of Class 3-1 and focuses back on his phone. Girls who are passing by gush and the students exiting Class 3-1 wonder on why he's there since Jaemin, Donghyuck and Lien exited the class earlier already.

He doesn't spare a glance away from his phone until a certain student exits the class.

Jeno's head raises. "Wonryul."

The student halts in his tracks and turns to his caller, confused.

Jeno puts away his phone in his pocket and flashes his smile. "Here, someone asked me to pass this to you," Jeno says and passes a small carton of grape juice to the student.

The ends of Wonryul's lips curve upwards, his deep dimple showing, and he takes the drink. "Who is it from?" He questions.

Jeno shakes his head. "Can't tell you that. See you around, then."

Wonryul nods and- smile widening. "Thanks, Jeno."

Jeno waves. "Anytime," he speaks with his smile still on his face. But, as soon as he turns away, the smile morphs into a deep, irritated scowl that shows how big of a nuisance Wonryul is to him.

"Where were you?" Mei Xing asks when she sees him approaching their usual table at the lunchroom.

Jeno grins, his eyes twinkling. "Just strolling around."

Xing pats the spot beside her and Jeno sits.

"Why don't you have lunch?" Jeno asks Xing since the others already have theirs.

"She wanted to wait for you because, she said she doesn't want you to feel lonely," Mark voices out while poking his kimbap.

Jeno turns to the doll-like girl beside him and pats her head. "So precious."

Mei Xing smiles smugly, playing along. "Yeah, I know I am."

The two stand and head to get their lunch together before returning to their table.

Meanwhile, Wonryul who is still on his way to the cafeteria due to being distracted with the grape juice, is gushing at the little pink sticky note stuck at the back of the carton.

Hope you like this juice I bought you!! xoxo

He recognizes the font- roundish and the dots are replaced with hearts. He had seen Mei Xing's notebooks that she carries in her arms everytime they pass by each other in the halls. The same font is used to write her name and class.

Wonryul instantly feels elated.

He arrives at the cafeteria and coincidentally, spots the Mei sisters with the 7 brothers. His eyes focus on Jeno and Xing who are chatting with one another.

"What took you so long to come here? Oh, you got juice! I really like that flavour! Can I have some?" Wonryul's friend, Sukjin, reaches out to grab the carton in Wonryuls' hand but the latter smacks his friend's hand away.

"The heck was that for?" His other friend, Daesung, snickers.

Wonryul glares at Sukjin. "Back off, man. I ain't sharing."

Jeno watches Wonryul from afar as he listens to his brothers and friends argue about whether maple syrup for pancakes is better dipping or pouring.

Wicked satisfaction embraces his heart when he sees Wonryul finishing the juice.

"Jeno, do you want some?" Xing offer her rice cake and he nods adorably- a giggle escaping the girl.

People always say; don't judge a book by its cover.

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