Chapter 1

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Please remember to read the TWs in the description. Also this story is not accurate to the canon timeliness.

- Izuku's Perspective -

"Class had been long, actually the whole day was long. A horrible scratchy feeling followed me around wherever I went, I thought that 'maybe I was developing a cough?' anyway, I was sitting in my middle school classroom.I only had to get through those last ten minutes of class and I could have gone home and have some soup my mum would have made me. I tried to keep to myself, tried to avoid being noticed that day because I felt ill and even more out of place than usual. However, the teacher had exposed that I wanted to go to UA earlier and I felt Kacchan's eyes burning holes in my skull since. That teacher had knowingly put a fat target on my head the second he said those words, in front of the whole class."

I squirm in recollection, trying to fit in as many details and descriptions as possible to prolong having to tell her the truth. A breeze comes through my window so I stuff my hands under my blanket to keep warm and continue with the story.

"The bell marking the end of school went off and I flinched at the cold and unnerving noise. That sound had become a siren of horror in my mind, when I heard it the urge to run flooded over me but I would always push it down with a gulp and pack away my things. I swung my bag over my shoulder and reach for my notebook but it was gone. I shot my head up to lock eyes with Kacchan holding my notebook, smiling menacingly."

I pause, this memory is so burned into my mind but it still hurts to think about.

"His merry men grabbed me by the arms before I could react so I could watch Kacchan's fingertips wear the slightest glow as he slowly activated his quirk with more precision and concentration than I had ever seen from him at the time. The burns grew across the pages of my notebook, then he flung it out the classroom window with a simple, unwavering flick of his hand."

I look up from my lap to make eye contact. Ochako is just staring intently, waiting for me to continue.

"Kacchan just laughed, that laugh made my chest tighten, everything became a blur except him. His gruesome smile. His crimson eyes glowing with pure hate. His deep blonde hair catching the afternoon sun on it's ends. His sidekicks let go of me and followed him to the door of the classroom, but before he left he turned to me with a wicked sneer on his lips once again....He said 'You know if you really want to be a hero that badly there actually might be another way.' Then paused as if to see the hope grow in my eyes before saying 'Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building.' They then left, him and his friends laughing at me as they did.'"

I shiver. I can hear as my voice grows weaker the more I continue but Ochako still stares, I can feel her worry and hate brewing in the air and I almost don't want to tell her. I shift my gaze out the window to the morning sun and continue.

"My heart felt as though it was being pulled into my stomach by a vacuum. My mind was filled with a million buzzing wasps as the world seemingly closed in on me. I was trembling and on the brink of tears as they left but the second the door shut I allowed myself to release those small streams that fell like hot liquid down my cheeks. My throat felt itchy and rough-"

I choke at the thought, tears welling a little in my eyes.

"-like it had all day but much worse and started to close before I coughed and coughed and coughed until I forced out a small light orange flower petal with little droplets of blood on it fell onto the floor in front of me."

I look down at the clothes she found, soaked in my blood.

"The pain took over my mind, the blood was still dripping out of my mouth but I couldn't help but stare at this petal, glowing in the slight sun that still shone into the now empty classroom."

I'm rambling now. We both know it. Avoiding whatever she's about to say about him.

"It shone like a burning fire, and I knew exactly what it's flicker meant. I was in love with a boy who hated me. So in love it was literally going to kill me. I- It was- Well-"

I pause for a second not knowing the words for what I meant, I looked back at Ochako. She smiled a little trying to reassure me but her eyes deceived her. The pity was plain to see. I suddenly knew the words I was looking for.

"It was a love like death."

A Love Like Death - BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now