Chapter 16- All is Fair in Love and War

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Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, the hope in tomorrow, the joy in the heart. ~Anonymous


I was sitting in the library, furiously scribbling notes into my notebook, my neck beginning to ache from its distressed position. Then, at the sound of Casey chewing her gum and popping another infuriating bubble, my head snapped up meeting eye to eye with her.

"Case..." I growled, my teeth grinding in frustration. It was really irritating hearing her periodic bubble popping right when I was getting into the midst of a great thought to write down. You could say it was even more annoying than continuous pen tapping.

"Yes," she replied giddily, paying no attention whatsoever to my annoyance at her.

"Would it kill you to stop blowing bubbles?" I asked sarcastically. "I keep losing my train of thought." She rolled her eyes at me and proceeded to plain old chewing. That, I could handle.

"I don't even know why you're acting all crazy about midterms. I mean, they're just midterm exams, and you're acting like a crazy old cat lady who's lost a cat. Like, chill," she tried to soothe me, but her words of somewhat advice were no help. Now I was a crazy midterm-obsessed cat lady. And I don't even own a cat. Great.

"I know Case, but haven't you started studying at all? They start in three days for Godsakes, and have you even cracked open a book?" I asked her.

"For your information I have," she protested proudly. "I think Seventeen Magazine counts," she then mumbled so quietly I could barely make the words out. It was then my turn to roll my eyes.

I continued rewriting my notes at peace, without the sound of the annoying bubble sounds. But I spoke too soon, because soon enough, Casey began whistling. My head rotated slowly and our eyes met in a daring gaze. Her lips twitched and formed into a smile as her gaze intensified. No matter how mad at her I was right now, I couldn't back down from a staring contest. I was squinting, trying my best not to let my eyes dry out and Casey's eyes were wide open trying to prevent them from closing. Just as I thought Casey was about to give up, someone clapped their hands in front of our faces and we both blinked.

"What the heck!" Casey growled, looking up at Cameron who looked down at us smirking. "I was about to win that round!"

"You little liar! I was this close to winning," I said bringing my fingers close together to show proximity. "Your eyes were twitching."

"Nuh uh!"  She exclaimed crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah huh!" I insisted sticking my tongue out at her.

"Ladies, please!" Cameron interrupted. "I know you two are secretly fighting over me, but..." he started placing a hand over his heart, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Get over yourself, Miller," Casey retorted attempting to push him but he didn't even flinch let alone move an inch. What is he, made of titanium? One time in elementary school Casey and I were walking to the playground, and despite her thin frame, she managed to push a kid two grades older than us into the brick wall and he splattered like a pancake. It was horrible and hilarious at the same time. And yet, despite her explosive power, Cameron was rock solid in place. It amazed me.

He grabbed a chair and spun it so that he sat arms resting on the back ledge of the chair watching us amusingly. "So why are you guys at each other's throats?" he asked putting his backpack down on the floor. The librarian peeked from her high desk as if to check we weren't really choking each other. Then she got back to what seemed like a romance novel, the cover showing a lady draped over some pirate dude.

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