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Cameron's POV

"Dude, You think you're all that?" Chase asked me daringly as we walked into the school.

We've been arguing over the past half hour about which one of us can get girls more easily. Ever since grade 8, it's always been a race between the two of us. Who can get the most girls the fastest. We've even kept count, but that's for only us to know.

"Yeah, I do. Why don't you just accept defeat and move on. You know I'm greatest chick magnet of all time," I responded smugly.

The thing about me is that I know what I want, and I get it. It's just that easy. Chase, my boy, has to work a little harder at it, but man, he comes in pretty close. The dude won't even admit though that I own this game.

I guess it all started because Chase once got dumped when we were in grade 7. He's been like my brother since I can remember, and it just hurt to see him so sad. I decided to get the girl to go out with me, then dump her real quick as a form of revenge. I was in grade 7, okay? I'm not saying it was the smartest thing to do. It's just what I did.

Chase didn't see it that way though. When he saw me ask the girl out and her say yes, he went all ballistic on me, and that's how the game started. He got a girl in retaliation, then I did and so forth. Now it just seems like a ritual, but I'm getting tired of it.

"Alright, alright, how about this?" he suggests. "Since this is our last year, our final year, why don't we make this time the deal breaker. After all, it is you who thinks you're all that. So how about I pick the girl this time, and you've got two weeks. If you get her, I'll lay off, and you would have won. But if you don't, then you'll have to crown me the victor."

His challenge didn't seem all that menacing. In fact, it seemed like a stroll through the park. I've gotten girls in much quicker time than that, but I know he's going to go out there and find a girl he thinks I won't be able to get. Well, he's mistaken, because I am certain I can get her, whoever she may be.

"You're on bro. So who's the la-day?"

Chase looked around the school campus and after what seemed like eternity, his face completely transformed into a huge grin. He looked like a kid in a candy store.

"Did you find her yet or what, cause that grin of yours is really freaking me out," I told him.

"Did I ever! Man, I'm winning this bet so easily," he chuckled.

"Just tell me who it is, already," I begged impatiently.

His finger scanned the crowd and finally landed upon my prize girl. I saw who she was and suddenly my mouth got dry. Chase really put this over the top this time.

"Dunya Kareem. Pretty girl, got some stubbornness, doesn't care what people, think of her. Straight A student, respected, teachers pet, small circle of friends, she's had a few classes with me in the past and oh yeah, I forgot to mention..... She's a Muslim. And she wears a scarf," he exclaimed proudly, as he realized he has found probably the one girl who will be a difficult catch, if possible.

"By the way, they don't date in their religion," he stated.

"H-h-how do you know?" I stammered.

"Religion class," he said with a smirk on his face.

Oh God. I can't back down now though. If I do, Chase will automatically win the bet. And I've been building my A-game for 6 years now. I have no choice right about now.

I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but I've got to do this. I have to get this girl, no matter what it takes. I AM going to win this bet.

My Dunya (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now