Chapter 4- GOOOOAL!!!

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  • Dedicated to MisGiggle; ammaarahv


I couldn't sleep that night continuously tossing and tumbling around in my bed. As much as I tried to get it out of my head, a little voice inside me told me that I knew Ibrahim Taha. He just seemed too familiar, and that name, I recognized that name, but from where? Who was he?

 Just as I was about to drift off back to sleep after treacherous hours trying to regain my memory of who Ibrahim really was and where I remember him from, my eyes suddenly shot open and it was as if a light bulb just shone bright in my head. I finally remembered!

I ran to Adam's room where I found him sound asleep with his limbs dangling off his bed and with a pillow on the floor and his blanket was found across the room. And on top of everything, he was snoring. How does that even happen? He sure is one heck of a messy sleeper.

 Nonetheless, I went up to him and patted his cheek trying to wake him up, but no luck. I gently whispered his name, "Adam, wake up, I have to tell you something." Nothing. So I just went straight to plan B. I grabbed one of the pillows off the floor and started hitting him with it. "ADAMMMMMM! WAKE UP!!!"

 Without even lifting his head from his pillow or opening his eyes, he grabbed hold of my wrist, snatched the pillow from my hand and threw it across the room where it fell next to the other one. Aha, so that's how they end up there!

 "What do you want? Can't you see I'm sleeping?" he growled, without moving an inch, still with his eyes shut.

 "I figured it out. Now I know why Ibrahim Taha looks so familiar! It's Ibby!!!" I exclaimed as if I had just found the cure to cancer.

 Ibby (or so he was called) was 6 years old when he moved away from our old neighbourhood. Him, Adam and I were practically best friends and would spend everyday after school playing outside and the whole summer we are all out in the sun. I've never known him other than Ibby, because back when I was little, I couldn't pronounce his name Ibrahim so I just used to call him Ibby. And he seemed just fine with that.

 Fast forward 12 years and he's barely noticeable. He used to be the plumpy short kid who would run like he has ants in his pants and now he's the tall, tan and muscular model-like guy. Wow how times have changed.

 "Yeah, well no duh," Adam mumbled as he covered his head with another pillow. Why does he have so many pillows?

 "Wait, you knew? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked furiously.

 "Cause, we wanted to see how long it would take you to figure it out, you know you might be school smart, when it comes to real life, you're not very street smart," he stated matter-of-factly.

 "Hahaha. You and him are just soooo funny. Well there you have it, it took me 16 hours to figure it out, I hope you both are jumping from joy," I said sarcastically after slamming the door behind me. So I'm some sort of joke now? Hmmm, I see how it is. Well Ibby, just wait and see, cause the game's going to turn on you, I though mischievously. 

 By the time I got dressed, had breakfast, showered, brushed my teeth etc. I had texted Casey asking where she was. I waited for her reply.


  Sorry babe, I'm out of town, shopping with momzy ;) I should've called, so sorry, Ask Adam to give you a ride xoxo

 Yeah right, after he made me a completely fool, him along with Ibby? Psh, as if!

 "Teta, could you drop me off at school today?" I asked. 

 "Sure thing albi (my heart), let me just get my keys," she agreed.

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