Chapter 24.

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It was two more days till the final game and three till the Winter Formal. The game was the last game before our incredibly long christmas break! I loved the christmas season. The bells were ringing, Santa Clause was seen everywhere, and the anxious children waiting for a glimpse of their presents. Everyone was dressed in fur boots, long coats, mittens, and knit hats. The sales were outrageous causing everyone to go shopping, getting trampled over the mothers who wanted to get to their gifts first to purchase. How I know this? I groaned at the thought.

"Come on, Kat!" Lily said grabbing my wrist and pushing through the crowd of people who were blocking the entrance to the Michigan Westward Mall. I could hear cries and laughter as I walked quickly past them.

"Okay, first we go to Dillard's. Then Windsor," she said grinning as we headed to Dillard's. I groaned at the sight of more people crowded inside Dillard's. This was worse then Black Friday.

"Do we have to?!" I whined.

"Kat, shut up. We're going to find you and me a dress and that's final," she said smiling.

"But mom...!" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and pulled me through the crowded people. We weaved in and out till we reached the escalator. I walked forward and rode up the escalator with Lily beside me.

"Okay so I was thinking a halter would look good, right?" She said daydreaming of her perfect dress.

"Lily, you look good in anything," I said sighing.

"Your just saying that 'cause your my best friend," she said smirking.

"No I'm not!" I said defensively. We finally reached the second floor and stepped out. We turned right and walked towards the "Dresses" section. Dillard's was known for one thing and that was they're numerous dresses. I saw possibly every color in the universe along with every dress type possible. There were short, long, halters, strapless, straps, and so much more. I could Lily squeal as she ran quickly and searched through the racks.

"Oh my gosh this is so cute! Wait.. this is so cute!... Oh my gosh this is gorgeous! ..... Oh my gosh this is adorable... Wow look at this dress..." she started rambling as she held over a dozen dresses in her hands. I rolled my eyes laughing. 

"Would you shut up and go try them!" I said laughing and pushing her in the fitting room. I stood outside the fitting room handing her dresses one by one and coming out with them woren.

"Nah...." I said at the strapped green dress she wore. She went back inside and came out with different dresses and each one I rejected it. It wasn't that she didn't look good at it but it was that there had to be one dress that was "the one." After about 15 minutes non-stop trying on dresses, finally I felt my self grinning at Lily wearing a red one shoulder dress. It hugged her sides and it looked amazing at her.

"Oh my gosh, Lily! This dress is amazing!" I said looking at her astonished.

"Really?" She said twirling around.

"Look for yourself!" I said pointing to the mirror behind her. She turned around and her eyes widen.

"Wow I look..." she whispered.

"Hot!" I laughed. She admired it and after about 5 minutes of admiration, she went inside and changed out of it, clenching onto her perfect dress. She set it aside next to her and sat on the chair I sat.

"Your turn," she smirked. I groaned. She went outside and grabbed about dozen dresses that she thought would look good on me. One by one she handed to me while I dressed and I came out showing to her. She made faces or just said nah. I grunted and dragged my feet every time tired of changing dresses every other second. I grabbed a blue dress that Lily gave me and slipped it on and walked out. Her eyes widen as she smiled.

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