Chapter 15.

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I woke up to the voice of Lily talking and it wasn't her usual talking. It was a serious tone that she only spoke when she was nervous.

"I... uh yes she is here. She came early.. in the morning because she had a ... class," I heard her speak. My eyes flickered open and I turned to my right to face Lily sitting on her bed with her hand holding our room phone to her ear.

"Uh huh..." she said again.

"Yeah, do you want me to send her there? She's asleep now.. though," she said.

"Okay, I'll tell her. Thanks bye," she said and with that she hung up. I groaned and yawned stretching every muscle in my body.

"Who was that?" I said still lying on my bed.

"Kathy. She wasn't kidding when she said she wanted to see you," she said looking through her phone. I let out a grunt.

"Do I have to goooo...." I said sounding like a little child talking to his or her parents.

"Yes. I don't know why but she wanted to see you. It's like she didn't care that I was the one with a guy last night," she said getting up and heading to the bathroom. I pushed the covers off of me, and threw my hair in a bun and walked out towards the RA's office.

"I'lll be back," I yelled behind me.

I turned around the corner and saw Kathy on the phone laughing. She was twisting her hair and doodling on some paper. I walked into her office but she didn't realize I was even there. I stepped a little further but her eyes were locked down to the paper where she drew hundreds of hearts. She threw a fake laugh and giggled as hard as she can. I was not going to waste my time watching her try to be a girly on the phone. I let out a slight fake cough in which she looked up and smirked.

"Thank you so much! Yes and I'll see you at the cafe later to work on the paper," she said followed by more fake giggles. I rolled my eyes and took a seat in front of her desk.

"You rang..." I scowled at her.

"Yes. It appears to me, you weren't at your room yesterday. In fact you weren't at the campus at all yesterday. In order to leave you need my written permission in which you didn't even ask for. This is a direct violation of the Dormitory Handbook Section 3a under the first paragraph. The penalties are severe, Katrina..." she smirked.

Why the hell did she keep on smiling like that? She has no life if she memorizes the stupid handbook...

"I'm sure your aware the penalties are eviction from this dormitory building as well as other buildings, class removals, or if you went more than a week out of the campus not attending classes, eviction from this college. Now what should we do?" she said tapping her pen. That clicking annoyed the hell out of me.

"I don't know. Just tell me," I said through my clenched teeth. She was wasting my time. It's not like I was selling drugs off the streets.

"I would suggest eviction from this dormitory building as well as your important class removals but I have a kind heart," she smiled.

"Wait.. so your saying, I'm off the hook!?" I smiled. Maybe she's not that bad after all...

"On one condition," she smirked. I take what I said back. That smirk meant something.. I arched my eyebrows trying to figure what she would possibly want from me..

"Your friends with Eric, right?" She started. Eric.. what's he got to do with this?

"Yeah he's one of my favorite graduate students. He's the RA for the boy's dorm building," I said.

"Yes. I know. We'll if you would just tell him to take me out on dinner..." she said blushing looking to the other side.

"Woah... woah.. wait. Your asking me to hook you guys up?!" I shrieked. GROSS. She's like a 40 year old virgin in a 22 year old body..

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