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  There were thousands of people clapping after I finished my performance, some were even throwing roses on stage I bowed and waved to the crowd thanking them for watching my performance, I felt my eyes open and ahead there were empty seats and the only one clapping was Huston. 

"You were amazing" Houston said his wide eyes were impressed by my dancing 

I smiled "Thank you" 

Houston sat up from the chair sitting in front of the piano and walked over towards me and didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me "You are the best dancer I have ever laid eyes on" 

I knew he was lying to me, he must have seen Rebecca dance before she is an extraordinary dancer, but instead of arguing with him I continued to smile I know that he was just being nice, so I just thanked him "So, how are you able to come to a place like this.. do you work here or?" 

Houston looked down at me and laughed "No my family owns this place, and two other theaters one in new York and another in California" 

I was stunned "Wow I bet they are beautiful just like this one" 

Houston nodded his head taking another look around the theater "Yea they are all breath taking, but the theater in New York is my favorite I will take you there sometime this up coming summer" 

I let out another laugh here comes... the controlling Huston "What makes you think I will even be friends with you let alone go to New York with you in the summer" 

"You are right we won't be friends" Huston said the sound of that made my heart sink at this point I don't know if I can stay away from Huston and I don't if I want to 

"You will be my girlfriend" He states 

The smile on my face fades and I am lost for words "Houston .." I gasped 

"What? It's the truth" 

"We just met.." 

"And by the summer time we would have already have known each other for a while" 

I shook my head not being able to process how confident Houston is being about there being a romantic relationship between us "You are getting really ahead of yourself I am just starting to like you as a person" 

Houston bursted into laughter pulling me into his chest and once again his vanilla scent filled my nose the smell was amazing and now whenever I smell this scent all I will be reminded of is Huston, damn what am I letting myself get into?

"Well Vally I have always liked you as a person so I can't relate" Houston responded 

I pulled away from leaning on Huston's chest still keep my arms wrapped around him and looked up at him I needed to get something cleared "You say all this stuff about me being your  girlfriend and all but aren't you seeing Rebecca?" 

Houston sighed "I told you she isn't my girlfriend" 

"I know but it seemed like you two had something going on" 

"She's not my girlfriend that's all you need to know alright?" Houston said a bit more sternly 

I knew this short conversation about his relationship with Rebecca was already ruining whatever moment we were having so I just kept my mouth shut about it 

"Fine" I mumbled I don't know why Houston is being so dismissive about Rebecca, but it bothered me.

 Even though all this is happening between Houston and I, I still don't have romantic feelings for him and that is a fact I don't know him well enough, but I do know one thing. I no longer have the strength to stay away from him and I have to figure out what that means as well as figuring out what's going on with Alvaro and I. 

"It's already ten, I should start taking you back to campus I don't want you to be tired for your classes tomorrow" Houston said unwrapping his arms from around me but still held on to my hand. I actually don't have classes tomorrow except for dance of course, but I did have a long day today and I am tired so going back to campus was a good idea.

We walked hand and hand back to the car and off we were riding back in the darkness "How far is your dorm from mine?" I asked

"I actually don't live on campus" Huston stated 

"Oh, so you are still at home with your parents?" I ask 

Houston nodded his head "Yup, you can come over this weekend and I can show you my place" 

"Oh um this weekend I'm pretty busy" I answer 

Huston narrowed his eyes "What are you doing this weekend" 

"Well Emma and I are going shopping to decorate our dorm" I began to say 

"Good because your dorm is hideous" Houston said 

I laughed and waved him off "Shut up, anyways I also have to get homework done and practice on my own training for ballet and on top of that I have to go an outside dance studio for class" 

"What dance studio?" Houston asked 

"Some all boys dance studio" 

Houston jaw was clinched together and his face was firm "Why all boys ?" 

"We have to practice pas de deux" 

"What the fuck is that?" Houston said harshly 

I narrowed my eyes at his one "It means dancing with two people mainly girls and boys dance together it's a ballet thing and there are no boys in our class to practice with so we are going there" 

"I'm going with you, when is it ?" Houston said 

"Um I'm not sure I can take a plus one" I said sarcastically 

Houston rolled his eyes"Valentina tell me when and where it is" Houston said again in the same harsh tone, I am beginning to notice whenever he is frustrated at me he calls me by my full name 

"I'm not telling you Houston you can't come with me anyways" 

"Whatever I'll just ask Rebecca" The fact that Houston said her name pissed me off it's bad enough I don't like Rebecca now he's gonna go running off to her when he doesn't get his way. Is it right to be mad at him for something like this ? We aren't even together, and I don't like him in that way, but at the same time I am selfish for not wanting him to be with another girl. I couldn't stand if another girl felt what I feel when being touched by Huston it would drive me insane, not that he doesn't already.

"You are so immature you really can't take no for an answer can you?" I say 

"I'm immature ? Really? Just fucking tell me when you are going !" Houston shouted 

I don't think I have ever heard Houston raise his voice especially at me and I didn't like it one bit, I am not putting up with this he is too controlling thank god I have only known him for a few days because I am done being around him if he is going to act like this

 "I don't know who the hell you are getting loud with ! I am not the one Houston so don't try me!" 

Second later we pull up to my to my dorm and Houston parked the car "Look Vally I am sorry I got loud with you its just t-" 

"I don't give a fuck about what you have to say you are so controlling you think you can just do whatever you want ?! Leave me alone and go running back to Rebecca and just when I was starting to like you, you pull some shit like this ? You ruined this whole thing, have a good fucking night" I said grabbing my stuff and jumping out of his car, He really messed with the wrong one.  

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