Review #18: Illegal

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**Long time, huh? But as promised in my first review, here’s the review about Illegal, since it's over now. I’d like to thank the writer, Nour, who in fact was the one that encouraged me to start a book for reviews. I came to the decision of stopping, but for her, I’ll go on. Don’t stop writing. Much love xx**

Review #18: Illegal

*Status: completed*

If heart breaks can be heard, mine would cause a worldwide riot. It has ended, can you believe that? That journey I once spoke of, the journey that I didn’t want to end, the journey of Zaquel, is now over.

Their love is the perfection

Drawn on that portrait

To us: this material is titled as a book, but to its author it meant life as if he was its God.”  Everyone has a different story, and everyone has a different way to write it.

I have spoken before of her flawless writings. I have spoken before of her beautiful flow and her meaningful, yet emotional story line. What’s left to speak of when the story eaves you out of words- speechless? But of course, what would you expect from the creation of a goddess? Perfection is the only option.

Although it’s a continuation, Illegal is different from MNIR in its theme and type. It’s deeper in content and isn’t as adventurous like MNIR was. The entire book can be quoted because of its wise and beautifully written material. As for the message it beholds, is life itself. 10 years they waited. 10 years they suffered. 10 years, they still loved each other. 10 years, he still looked for her. Now, after 10 years, they got back together. What more do you ask for? This story contains persistence whether it’s emotional or physical, like when Zayn wasn’t able to walk until he found his motive. It tells you to hold on no matter what; that you will get what you deserve and wish for no matter how long it takes. It teaches you not to give up on hope. More? It speaks of how you can fight through the stereotypes of society and the obstacles they draw to separate people using any type of discrimination; specifically sectarianism or religious discrimination. As an egalitarian, a person who supports the principle of equality for all people, this makes me love this story even more than I do.

Adding to that, the story matures along with the characters. You don’t look at them anymore a those 17-19 year-olds. Unlike other stories, the writer managed to keep the mentality suitable for the ages.

Having said all that, I, sadly, have to agree with a dear friend of mine when he told me “the best things in life are meant to end”. With that, we said our farewells to both now, My Name Is Raquel and Illegal. Indeed, the story of Zaquel was that emotional rollercoaster, as I referred to it once, that I wanted to go on forever along with the days of our lives. 

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