Review 21: Don't You Lie; I Saw Your SCARS

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Review 21: Don't You Lie; I Saw Your SCARS (Used to be: CUT)

I remember back when I was at school, my teachers used to repeat the same line "give as much as you're given; never answer with more than the question/problem requires" ; it applies to many things in life, and now, it applies in my reviews.

Honestly, I can't comment about the grammar and the punctuation in this book; I didn't spot any errors. However, the structure of this book got me a bit confused. Was it meant to be a poem? Cause it seems that the book itself was lost between being a short story, a dialogue, and a poem. If it was a poetic attempt, then it didn't work, honestly. Poem: literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. However, this lacks all. Yes, a story-form may not convey a true meaning, but it must contain at least one of those 3 elements.

Bluntly, I don't know what else to add. The story might be a reality state, but it's a very widely common story. There isn't effort put into it to glorify it and make it stand out. Such stories are now cliche. Don't start attacking me on this point, let me verify. Cliche: a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought. Now, note what cliche truly means and avoid it.
Note for all writers: there and their are different. There conveys a location, whereas their is used to show possession.

Short review, for a short book...

Thank you x

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