The Dog Returns to its Sick

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Zander's pov
After end of semester. At Zander's home

I closed my trunk after placing the last thing in and closed my eyes, trying to ward off the headache that had sprung up. I had been getting more and more of those lately. The girl told me it was because our connection was getting shaky and that took a toll on our heads.

"Think fast!"

Without flinching I snatched the ball from the air that Matt threw at me.

"Dude!" He laughed. "That was cool!"

I smiled.

They had come over to help me pack and move. We were going to go to Diagon Alley after to hang out.

"Ah ha!" Millie wiggled out from under my bed and held up a Slytherin scarf victoriously. "Found it!"

I took it from her and put it on, dramatically flinging the ends over my shoulders. She laughed as I helped her up.

"Z, I can't believe you already have a job," Matt said as I tossed the ball back. "I mean, you haven't even taken your N.E.W.T.S. yet."

"Well, I passed my O.W.L.S.," I said innocently.

"How'd you do that, mate? I barely passed!" Matt asked, throwing his ball up in the air and catching it. He had gotten on the quidditch team during the school year now that his brace was off, but he still limped.

Don't blame yourself.

"Gah!" I dug my fingers into my temples.

"What?" Millie asked, concerned.

"N-nothing. Headache."

"If you say so."

"Look, I think I got it here," I said, smiling. "All I need to do is transporting and luckily I just passed the apparating test."

"Lucky," Matt tossed the ball in the air again. "I flunked."

I shrugged. "Should we go?"

They nodded and Millie and I grabbed Matt and apparated to Diagon Alley.

We walked over to the ice cream shop, ordered some ice cream, and talked as we ate.

"Oh my gosh!" Millie said as she looked at the clock. "Is that really the time?! I've got to get home!"

"It's about time I get home to," Matt said.

I knew they forgot about paying so I slipped enough money on the table for all of us without them noticing.

"I'll apparate you home," I told Matt.

"Oh, no need," Millie grabbed Matt's arm. "You get to your new home."

"Thanks, Mil. See you two later."

"Bye!" They chorused and then disappeared.

I quickly apparated back to my father's house. I had apparated into the hall that had the stairs that led to my bed room. I walked up the stairs and using my wand floated my luggage downstairs. A latch came undone on my trunk so I bent over and re-latched it. When I stood my father stood there. He looked determined.

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