Just Keep Going

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I was tired. I was so tired. But I had to keep going. Matt was losing blood quickly. I begged my legs to keep going and as fast as I could.

"Come on! You can do it! Sure he's heavy, but you can do it!. Twenty steps and you can rest. One, two, three...twelve... sixteen... twenty! No! You can't rest! He's dying! I'll let you rest in sixty more steps. I promise!" Sixty steps later. "Alright, so I lied! Just keep going!"

I admit it was silly, but it was all I could to keep myself going.

"Hang in there buddy," I told Matt, though I don't know if he could actually hear me.

Finally, I saw it! The edge of the woods.

I stumbled out of the woods and scanned the grounds of Hogwarts. I caught sight of Hagrid's hut. It was closer than the school. I ran as fast as I could to the hut. My legs gave out right as I reached the door. I reached out my hand and knocked on the thick door. No one answered so I had to use what little energy I had left to knock hard.

"Help!" I cried weakly.

I heard moving around inside and the door swung.

Hagrid blinked down at me.


"He's hurt!" I interrupted breathlessly, "A werewolf."

Hagrid's face changed and he quickly and gently picked Matt up and helped me to my feet. He walked into his hut, I followed, and he laid Matt down on a large cot. He inspected Matt's wound. It was torn up around the knee and I hoped my imagination was getting away from me so that I wasn't seeing bone. Hagrid turned to me.

"Are ya 'urt?"

"Barely. I only was scratched on the arm."

"Can ya run?"

"I think so."

"Run to deschool an' get 'elp."

I nodded and dashed out the door and across the grounds of Hogwarts. The air was cool and crisp and a feeling of the end of summer and the beginning of a new adventure was in the air.

What will be my new adventure? Getting kicked out of the wizarding world?

Instead of bothering to run around the corner and waste time I used my wand to give me a boost of air up to a window. I caught the sill and tried to push it open but it was locked so I broke it with a spell then swung myself into the room. It was an empty classroom and that was quite large and loudly echoed with nothing but me and empty chairs in the room. I quickly made my way to the door but when I tried the door it was locked. My unlocking spell didn't work so I had to resort to the next best thing.

I pointed my wand at a desk, said a spell and then took cover under the teacher's desk.


I could have probably blown a hole in the door but that would have been no fun for one thing and another thing I'd have run down the hall to find help but this way I could bring help to me.

I didn't hear anyone coming so I tried blowing up another desk.


Voices and footsteps came running down the hall. The door flew open. There was a pause until the teacher who had entered, who I believe was named Elliot, yelled: "Peeves!"

I came out from under the desk.

"Actually, sir, I did that."

I stared at me in disbelief.

"What are you doing out of bed?"

"Please, sir, in Hagrid's hut! Ludiker's hurt! He might be dying!"

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