Choclate Chip Cookies... Or Choclate Choclate Chip Cookies???

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I indignantly swept through the ministry like a gust of wind. I wore a crisp black muggle suit with a black dress shirt and a green, black, and silver tie. I also had a wizard robe swung on so that made it look like I was leaving my home and at the last moment remembered I was a wizard. I looked like I was dressed for a funeral, and it was all I could do to not become the reason for a funeral. My Obsurial form stormed inside me, begging me to flatten the entire ministry and maybe even some of London for dessert.

I also had my now-just-below-shoulder-length hair pulled back to show my scars so that people wouldn't mistake me for my father.

Matt had been politely sacked. Not because he's a werewolf! They lied. It's because of certain... er... complications!

Complications?! I snarled in my mind. If I ever let myself get my hands on them I would complicate their faces.

Millie was still an Auror, though. She had tried to quit in protest but Nate Ludiker and my father had convinced her it wouldn't do any good and she was safe where she was. As much as I hated to admit it, I agreed with them. The PM had set that werewolf on Matt and I didn't want her sending something else after Millie. If Millie was still working in the ministry she would have less of a chance of getting attacked. Nate Ludiker had devised a plan to apparate Millie straight from inside the ministry to the magically protected apartment she lived in now, and my father had pulled a few strings to make it possible.

And that was why I was here. Millie and I wanted to visit Matt and the apparation system only worked to her apartment, so I was to meet her outside the ministry and we would apparate to where Matt was staying (his uncle's house). He couldn't stay with his parents because it would be a lot harder having a werewolf around muggles. After two weeks Nate Ludiker had deemed it safe. Not safe for us, we were very safe around Matt, but Matt's mental state was still a bit fragile. I kind of understood, having a beast apart of you that would occasionally burst out and try to kill people.

But I didn't wait outside the ministry, I went in to get Millie. I felt it was a way to show the ministry my indignation over the situation. Please don't call it childish because then I would have to admit I was being silly... and childish.

I took the elevator to her floor. Once someone had tried to talk to me but I gave them a sharp look and ended the conversation before it started.

I got to her floor and found her desk as she was packing up. Her head was down so she didn't see me.

In my best Morgan Freeman voice I said, "And as Millie packed up she wondered what type of cookies would she have after work?" Millie's head jerked up and she smiled, showing her pretty white teeth. "Peanut Butter cookies? Chocolate chip cookies? Or even..." I leaned forward and lowered my voice dramatically. "Chocolate chocolate chip cookies?! Ah, the turmoil! What will she choose?!"

She laughed. "Oh, the decision that rests on my shoulders!" She finished stuffing her papers into her desk and stood. "I thought you were waiting outside for me?"

"Eh, I got bored. I was making a potion that ended up exploding. I was so frustrated- and even a tad lazy- that I gave up and came here."

"Ah," she nodded, perfectly understanding.

Understanding. My thoughts suddenly began to spin. She promised she would always try to understand. So far she had kept that promise. If I told her about the monster inside of me and that I had Oblivated some of her memories would she still understand?

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