I'm a Soul in a Bottle, Baby

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They were all slumped down but connected to strings like puppets that extended to the top of the tube.

"What... what have you done to them?" I gasped.

"Momentarily stolen them from the world," Marionette look at them proudly. "I'm not sure if anyone noticed but the color of the killing spell is green. The spell that struck each of these people were purple."

"You mean," I spluttered. "They're not dead?"

She smiled, almost evilly. "No. Just replaced their living self with a shell that looks like them." She placed her hand on the tube that held the female adult. "It took me years to perfect this spell."

"Millie's mother?" I guessed.

She smiled for an answer.

"Give them back!" I spat.

She turned around, her eyes blazing.

"There's a price you have to pay for that."

I hesitated.

"What is it?"

She smiled. "You."

I blinked. "Come again?"

"In exchange for your friends and the girl's family I want your service. You do what I say. I will own you."

I stared at her and realized she was serious. I considered my options.

Should I restore these people to their lives and be a slave? Or should I leave and serve the rest of my years in Azkaban and live my life without a master.

What should I do?

3rd pov

Hogsmeade was in an uproar. Someone had claimed that they had seen two hooded figures and when one of them had their hood blown back they recognized it as Zander Whitehurst, the boy who had killed his friends.

People were gathered around where he had been seen, the ruins of the Marowski place. They were quickly organizing a party to go in and search the rubble, when suddenly someone cried out.

Eyes scanned the area to see who screamed and what they screamed about.

"There!" Someone yelled.

People gasped as a hand suddenly burst from the soot and waved wildly. There were muffled yells as it moved around. After a moment of shocked silence, the wizards ran forward and began to dig the man out.

Once he was out someone gasped, "Adam Marowski?"

Adam spat some soot out of his mouth and weakly smiled as he was pulled to his feet. "Hi, Greg."

People yelled as a charred board that had been leaning against the wall was pushed over, revealing Ophelia Marowski.

"What-what's going on?" She coughed as people rushed over to help her.

People tripped over themselves when Ashe dashed from the crowd and dove into her parents' arms.

Weren't they dead?


Matt helped Millie up after she tripped over a tree root.

"What happened?" She asked again.

"I don't know," Matt answered.

"Do you hear that?" Millie said suddenly.

They paused and listened. They heard people calling their name and they ran in the direction of the voices. Matt smacked into a teacher and she stared at him, shocked.

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