Slip of the Wand

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I really don't want to relive the first day of school but suffice to say it was awkward. It took a few of the teachers to talk me into coming into the great hall to watch the sorting but when they did- well- I got more attention then the kids being sorted.

Millie had just convinced the people that had put her in protection that she would be fine at Hogwarts. When she got back she showed a wild streak to her that everyone was surprised to see.

The next event that was really of any importance happened the middle of November.

I woke up with a start. Something wasn't right... again.

"Hello?" I whispered to the girl in my head quietly so that I wouldn't wake Sidney or the rest of my roommates.


"Are you okay?" I whispered.

Still nothing.

I blinked. What was I going to do? It felt so strange with her not there. Maybe I could enter her head like she did to me sometimes.

I closed my eyes and focused.

I felt light headed. I opened my eyes and saw mist.

"Hello?" I called.

"Zander? Zander, what the heck are you doing here?"

A figure in a hood appeared out of the fog.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes. Sorry, did I scare you?"

"No! It's just something was different."

She was keeping a ten-foot distance from me no matter how close I tried to walk to her so finally I gave up and stopped to talk to her.

"I'm asleep. This is a dream."

"Why are you sleeping?"

"People do that sometimes, Zander."

"Oh, Haha. There's something different about this sleep."

"It's a deep sleep."

"Why are you in a deep sleep?"

"People tend to do that too."

I rolled my eyes.

"Is this a magical sleep?"

"Yea," she pulled her cloak closer around her. "It's going to get deeper soon so I think this going to be the last dream I'm going to have for a while."

"But- but what about me?"

"What about you?"

"What's going to happen to me? And Millie?"

She shrugged. "She's got it all under control. She doesn't need me."

"Who's she?"

"You'll know soon enough."

"Why do you always-!"



I woke with a start as my bed tipped me out. On reflex, I jumped to my feet and shot a spell at my attacker. A ripping noise greeted my ears. It was only my roommates Tanale Baubs and Jax Briskel. I looked at them in horror at first because I was afraid I had hit one them with my spell. Thankfully I only cut Tanale's blanket.

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