Zander's Capture

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No One's pov

**One Year Later**

A tall and striking man strode through the Ministry of Magic building. His long black hair that reached his shoulder blades was tied up in a ponytail allowing people a full view of his pale face and cold, clear, and dark brown eyes. He wasn't very old, late thirties maybe but a few wrinkles were present from years of dedication and work. His long black luxuries robes showed he had money. He soon reached his destination, the Minister of Magic's door to his office. He turned to the painting of an old man beside it.

"Please tell Minister Westbrook I am here to see him," the man's voice was as clear and cold as his eyes.

"But, sir, the Minster is very busy," the painting said.

"He's never too busy for me," the man stated as if it were obvious.

The painting opened his mouth to say something but then decided otherwise and walked out of the picture. He returned shortly after.

"The Minister will see you now."

The man didn't answer, instead, he turned the doorknob and entered.

Minister Westbrook looked up from his papers and smiled. "Ah, Mr-," he started in his high, squeaky voice.

"If you'll please excuse me, I would like to skip the polite greetings and get to the point," the man interrupted as he took a seat in front of the Minister's desk without an invite. "Zander Whitehurst."

Westbrook sat back in his seat and studied the man in front of him. "We've been trying to catch him. He's just a pesky fly we can't seem to get rid of."

"No, he's more than that." The man leaned forward in his seat. "He is dishonoring the name of Whitehurst which I can't have happen."

"The boy is very skilled and that is why he's been slipping our Aurors-."

"For over a year! The boy is only fourteen, Merlin's Beard! The Aurors you're sending are rubbish!"

"We are trying our best-."

"But you're not sending your best Aurors, as the situation requires."

"We can't be sending out our best Aurors for a-."

"Dangerous and talented boy? Let me put it this way, a few resources have told me that you want to remodel this office but you haven't the funds."

"You really think I'll give in to bribery?"


"Well, I'm sorry but-."

"Don't you dare say no." The man leaned forward threateningly. "You know I can ruin you like that." He snapped his fingers, making Westbrook flinch.

"I'll see w-what I can do," Westbrook stuttered. This man intimidated him.

The man stood and smiled. "I know you will." And as he was leaving he stopped and said: "Oh, and I want him alive." Then left.

Mister Westbrook took a deep breath as the whole room seemed to relax.


Some wizards were on my heels. It was a dark and cloudy night. I sensed that these ones were more powerful than usual. I crouched on a rooftop behind a chimney where I had would hide every night until dark when I would roam and find food.

"Found ya."

A man was suddenly crouching beside me.


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