Zander's Dad & Back to Hogwarts!

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I wish he were dead.

My father, the man I would fantasize would come to save me and my family when we were getting abused by my evil step-dad, was sitting right beside me ignoring the fact that I was a probably a baby the last time I had seen him. I sat by him and gave him a cold stare and he ignored that too. I got my middle name Cosmo from him.

The three adults continued to discuss my future and not letting me say anything, even though I didn't really attempt.

After a bit, I got tired of the bickering and rudely interrupted my "father" as he again offered Mistress McGonigal money.

"What if I don't want to go back to Hogwarts?" I asked. I didn't really mean it, I was just trying to catch their attention.

They all stopped and looked at me.

"What?" Minister Westbrook asked.

"May I have a word with Mistress McGonigal and yourself, please?" I asked. I was laying on a bit of charm, I had to if I wanted to take care of myself.

The Minister considered and nodded.

They all waited for me to say something.

"I mean without..." I glanced at my "father". "Without... him."

Ouch, the voice in my head commented.

They blinked in surprise at my rude request.

"My boy, what do you mean?" father asked.

"And that's another thing!" I suddenly began to get confident. "I'm not "your boy"! I've lived with Muggles all my life and all I've heard about you is that you died!"

"Boy," my father's voice was low and warning but I didn't care.

"No!" I slammed my unwounded hand on the table and stood. "No! I'm not just going to let you waltz into my life after I become a criminal and rescue me with money! I don't want your money!"

My father rose.

"We'll talk about this later, Zander."

"No, Mr. Whitehurst, we won't!" I yelled. "Don't act like you have a right to my respect! I don't care who you are!"

Apply cold water to area of burn.

"I am your father!" his voice was louder.

"No, you're not!"

I didn't think he would react but he blinked and stepped back as if I had stung him.

"I'll... I'll let you talk alone," he finally said after a pause.

I watched in surprise as he exited.

"Would you take a seat," the ever-chill McGonigal asked.

I sat.

"What was it you would like to say?" the Minister asked. He was obviously startled at Mr. Whitehurst backing down as well.

"I..." I lost my confidence and started fiddling with the hem on my sleeve. "You don't need to bring me back to Hogwarts. I nearly killed my friends- even made one into a werewolf- and I take full responsibility. I understand if you send me back to the Muggle world. But..." I stopped and looked up and as I stared into their eyes I faked some confidence. "I promise if I am able to return I will do my best to please to wizarding community and never let a disaster like this happen again."



I dropped my books as something suddenly slammed into me and knocked me over. I tried to breathe but the person attacking me had wrapped their arms around me way too tightly and were squeezing. I struggled to get away. They finally release me and I realized it was Millie giving me a hug and not someone trying to kill me.

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