Unexpected Events

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So that's what was wrong. Millie's family was dead. She was kept in hiding for a few weeks until it was decided that Hogwarts was probably the safest place for her to be.

Zander came back from Christmas break to the bad news of the death of the first wizards he had met. He didn't know what to say to Millie. The only thing he could do was listen to rumors. It drove him insane. It didn't all add up. Who would kill such a nice family? No one had answers, only assumptions. He didn't know. He didn't want to talk to Millie about it because he knew that memories like that where a sore point.

The rose he that had sucked his blood on the train had remained fresh as if it was just picked. Zander didn't know why he did it but he kept it near him always.

Someone (Jezzabell was a suspect) was also spreading rumors that Zander was a werewolf and that's why he was so self-reserved and had all the scars. Matt came back from Christmas break being... well... Matt. He didn't know what to do so he did nothing. Typical thing for Matt to do, by the way. He and Zander still hung out once in awhile but not much.

Millie surprised everyone by remaining her cheerful self. It was just to cover her pain though. When someone mentioned what happened to her family she would somehow disappear into the shadows and wouldn't be seen for at least fifteen more minutes.

Zander found her hiding one day while he was wandering around Hogwarts one day. He was near the Quidditch field when he looked up and saw a bit of movement on a castle wall. It took him another day to figure out how she got up there but when he did he snuck up behind her as she sat on the wall looking down at what was below.

The first thing he noticed was that she held a white rose in her hand and was carefully studying it.

"Where did you get that?"

Millie looked up, startled.

"Get what?"

"The Rose."

Zander leaned on the wall by her.

"It was in my sister's pocket when she-," Millie stopped and stared at the forbidden forest just beyond the walls of the castle.

Zander nodded his understanding.

"Oh, and thanks for the Christmas present," Millie said lightly touching a scarf around her neck that she had received from Zander for Christmas. It was a cute double-sided knitted scarf, one side was striped yellow and black and on the other side was decorated with the Hufflepuff logo with a yellow background.

"Yea. And thank you for the cauldron cakes."

"Aw, how cute. I must have just missed the snogging." A voice behind Zander and Millie made them tense their shoulders. They didn't have to turn around to know it was Jezzabell. Millie started to turn around but Zander lightly touched her knee to stop her.

"Oh, by the way, Millie, I forgot to tell you. I'm a werewolf," Zander said casually.

Millie smirked. She had heard the rumor that Jezzabell had started about Zander so she caught the joke.

"No way. Me too."

Jezzabell frowned. She hated being teased. She walked forward and snatched the rose from Millie's hands.

"Hey! Give that back!" Millie tried to grab it.

Jezzabell jumped back and raised the rose above her head.

"Come and get it."

"Jezzabell, I'd give that rose back to Millie if I were you," Zander said, turning around to face her, his voice was even but his eyes flashed threateningly.

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