Hey Mabel...

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We walked back to the shack, where my aunt and uncle would be in an hour to pick me up. 

"Oh. My. God." Mabel said, walking outside of the shack, seeing us. We quickly took our hands apart. 

"Hey Mabel, meet my boyfriend." Dipper said with a nervous smile. 

"Woah Woah Woah, really?" Mabel asked.

"Y-yea." I said. 

"Aww, my brother's first lover." Mabel said, pulling a camera out of nowhere and snapping a picture. 

"Now, why are you guys glowing?" She asked.

"Long story." We both answered, laughing. 

"I have time, let's go inside." Mabel suggested. 

We headed inside and up the stairs. Mabel sitting on her bed, Dipper and I sitting on his. We explained the adventure, saying we'd have brought her a mushroom but ya know, we almost died and forgot. 

"It was intense, but then my prince charming saved me." Dipper said, smiling. 

"Psh, whatever." I said, blushing.

"Next time, bring me!" Mabel said. 

"We will, this was a date Mabel, third wheels are awkward." Dipper said, Mabel punched him in the arm. 

"Hey!" She said. 

They quarreled for a while back and forth before I said something.

"*hemhem* Anyway, there was this monster called the GloSho." I said as Dipper flipped to a page in his book, showing Mabel what the GloSho looked like.

"It chased us around, we didn't really know what to do, the book wasn't very descriptive, but (Y/N) figured it out and saved us, he put my safety over his, really good quality, and was able to get us both out alive." Dipper said. 

I blushed. "It was a great first adventure." 

"I-I think this belongs to y-you..."Mabel said, handing me a note. 

"What is it?" I asked, starting to open it. 

"I took it from you, I was scared, I don't know why, and a little jealous it wasn't me you had feelings for, and how gentle you wrote it all, it was a dream note, but not for me. I'm so sorry I took it." Mabel confessed. 

I was confused, but as I unfolded the note I saw the familiarity of my own handwriting. 

"My...note?'' I asked, more or less to myself.

"Are you mad?" Mabel asked. 

"I, I really should be, but no I'm not, if that note hadn't disappeared, I wouldn't have had this great date and express my emotions physically and not through a note, I might have not gotten together with Dipper and would have missed out on a great adventure, so I should thank you in a way." I said. 

"Uhh, your welcome?" Mabel said with a small laugh.

*awkward silence*

"I'm hungry, let's go eat dinner." Dipper said, breaking the quiet. We all agreed and headed downstairs. 

Dipper opened the freezer and pulled out a pack of frozen burritos. 

"Will this do?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" I said

We put some in the microwave and all sat down, in a bit the burritos were ready and we all started to eat. 

"Sooo, wanna plan another adventure?" I asked them.

The Boy In The Shack (Dipper x Male! Reader).𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now