Broken Snow Globes (Edited).

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I opened the door to see people swarming a monkey with a mermaid tail. They snapped photos and looked excited. Why? I don't know, it looked fake anyway. Looking around the shack it was filled with corny tourist gags and gifts but at the same time, I kinda liked it. My stomach growled, I hadn't eaten much lately with everything going on. I saw a vending machine and made my way towards it. I took out a dollar and put it in, pressing the button for these gummy axes. It looked as if it was going to fall out and stopped. 

"What? Come on!" I said loudly. Wow, this was not my summer. 

"Hey dude, want me to show you a trick?" A taller man with a question mark shirt asked me.

 "Uh, sure-" 

It looked like he was just smacking the vending machine but somehow he got it to open.  He handed me my gummy axes. 

"You paid a dollar bro, I wasn't gonna let that go unseen." He said, surprisingly seriously 

"My name's Soos, see ya around." 

"Thanks, see ya." I waved bye as he was called over by some man in a suit.

I felt my phone buzz, but let it go. Then again, and again. Not bothering to check who was trying to get ahold of me I shut my phone off. I walked over to another area, it was lined with shiny snowglobes. I loved to collect them, in a way I could relate, trapped in a perfect little world. I picked one up that had a little mystery shack in it, flipped it over and checked the price. Y i k e s, I didn't exactly have too much money on me after my parents kicked me out. I stood there shaking the globe, zoning out on the shimmery glitter in it, oblivious to the boy next to me and the man approaching me. 

 "Hey! You gonna buy that, or just stand there looking stupid?"

"AHH!" I yelled out, attempting to spin around and see who was talking to me. In the process I lost my footing and crashed into the boy next to me, dropping the snowglobe  He lost his balance and fell on top of me, causing me to slam my hands into the ground.  

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cr-" I winced, looking down at my hand, a piece of the snowglobe was stuck in my hand, the rest sitting there in a glimmering mess. 

"I'm alright, are you okay?" The boy said, looking over at me with concern. He picked up my hand and pulled out the glass, although the glass wasn't embedded very deep, the amount of blood seeping out made it seem that way. 

"Here, let me get some bandage." 

He came back, wrapping my hand in a bandage, I stood up and looked at him. He had the prettiest brown eyes, warm and safe and-

"Erm, my names Dopper- I mean Dipper, my names Dipper Pines, what about yours?" He said, scratching the back of his head. 

"My names (Y/N) Northwest." 

"Northwest? No offense but your cousins a jerk." Dipper said. 

"Uh-" I didn't know what to say, did he lowkey hate me now or something

"Not that you're like her or anything, you have blood on your arm, let me go get some wet paper towel and clean it up." Dipper rambled before heading over to get some. 

I smiled watching him walk away. 

'(y/n) st0p, you can't fall in love with someone you just met g0d'

"I had a feeling  you'd be here with these losers." A familiar voice said as the door slammed shut behind her. 


"I called you a million times, why didn't you answer?" Her eyes trailed to my arm. 

She gasped. 

"Who did this?" She said, upset.

"I did it to myself, I cut my hand on a snowglobe I dropped by accident. The cut isn't that bad, it just bled a lot."

Dipper showed up with the paper towel, handing it to me.

"My Grunkle scared him by accident, and he hurt his hand, he's okay I promise." Dipper said nervously.

"This looks worse than an accident." She grabbed my arm and flailed it around. "I'm gonna sue your crap shop for hurting (y/n)."

great he's never going to like me now

"I'm o-"

"We're leaving now!" Pacifica said, pulling me towards the door. 

Dippers Grunkle grabbed my not bloody arm. "He broke something, he better pay for it." 

"Nah." Pacifia said, yanking on my hand really hard, making Dippers Grunkle lose grip on my arm. 

"I'll pay for it tomorrow." I mouthed to Dipper

He smiled, waving goodbye. 

That's a good sign, I think-

(Sorry for the short chapter!)

The Boy In The Shack (Dipper x Male! Reader).𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now