You're Gay?!

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I stood in udder horror as Pacifica stared at me; Knowing I wasn't just puking the whole day, that I had snuck out. 

"Either you really stick to your word, Oh my god, she has a fat old grandmas name."She said.

I just looked back shaking my head no.

"Okay good, you really must stick to your word then." She said in relief.

"Partly the reason, but you know what it's no big deal, just don't tell your parents I snuck out, please." I said calmly, although my heart was pounding.

"What's the other reason?" She questioned.

"Nothing, forget I said anything." I could hear my voice become panicked. 

"Tell me, or I'm telling my parents you snuck out to the Mystery Shack."

I'm sure I could've come up with a lie for why I snuck out, but I was freaking out so it slipped.

"I met Dipper yesterday and I think I have a crush on him already, which makes perfect sense because I'm gay and he's super adorable,  and I kind of got to know him better today and I loved it and I never will get to again if you tell your parents." It all came out in a blur as I then held my breath, waiting for her response. 

"You're Gay?!" She said in shock.

"Yes, okay that's why I was sent here, so your parents could 'straighten' me out." I said, feeling depleted. She would tell.

"Oh, Why have a crush on Dipper? Out of the very few men here, why him?" She said with a smile.

"You're okay with me being...but you were just...but..." I stood there confused.

"It's because the Pines family are, well, the Pines family. I'll make a small exception, I'm not a copy of my parents, although I act like it." She said.

I had no idea Pacifica could be that chill, I always thought she was a stuck up jerk. I like this side of her. 

"Thanks." I smiled. She went and came back with some Pitt Cola and sat down. 

"What time even is it?" I asked.

"Sometime in the late afternoon or early evening. Surprised you didn't come back late at night. DInner will be on in a while. Mom and Dad won't be by here until then, so tell me your story, we have a while." 

I talked about it all, it felt good to tell somebody, I'm glad I finally have somebody to support me. Although the person I'll be spilling too the whole summer really came as a shock, a good one, nonetheless. 

I might just make it through the summer.

(Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make a bigger one next. Thanks for reading! Ouo)

The Boy In The Shack (Dipper x Male! Reader).𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now