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It's been four days and I've got no text stating Dipper didn't want to go on the date. I smiled to myself as I sat down in the area (pictured above) I had picked for our date. I waited in silence,  checking my phone. Slowly time went on and I had no sign of him. Maybe he got lost. I said to myself. It had been two minutes passed the time he was supposed to show up, time to freak out.

I got up and walked around for a few more minutes then laid down under the tree archway. It had been a half hour, that's a little more than fashionably late if I say so myself. I picked at dirt and threw stones to pass the time. I kept checking my phone. I wanted to message him and ask if he was lost, but I didn't want to come off as annoying. I ended up shutting off my phone, telling myself that he wasn't the type of person to just leave you. Maybe he was nervous too. I eventually fell asleep waiting.

I woke up an hour later gathering my thoughts and surroundings and realizing Dipper wasn't there. He had truly ghosted me. I got up and turned my phone back on, walking down the path back to the Mystery Shack. Before I went in the shop I checked my phone one last time. No Notifications. The door opened to the shack, there stood Dipper, smiling.

"Hey, (Y/N)! I have some more work to do, but we can talk for a few!" He said.

"What the heck Dipper!" I said, upset.

"Huh? Why do you sound mad?" He said, frowning.

"Quit acting like a deer in headlights! You know what you did! Why didn't you text me, it's really rude to do that to me okay! Don't act like everything's fine." I said, getting even more upset as my eyes got misty.

"What did I do (Y/N)? Please tell me." Dipper said, looking alarmed.

"I'm not reciting how you hurt me, you should know, I thought you were different! I thought you cared. Your just like everyone else at my school."

"Hey! Lay off him man!" Said Wendy. "I thought you'd be cool when I met you, not some freak!"

"Wow! Okay, thanks Dipper for telling everyone, that was a very private thing I wrote to you. I didn't know you'd act like that. I see your already involved." I glared at Wendy. "So you ghosted me because of what I am, something I can't help!" I was sobbing at this point. I wasn't thinking StrAiGHt and was letting my emotions get the best of me. I'm probably over reacting but I didn't care. I slammed the door and ran off. Leaving Dipper speechless and Wendy angry. I swore before I left Mabel looked guilty of something. Maybe not, my eyes were blurry with tears.

When I arrived I went up to my room, ignoring everyone and throwing my phone once I got to my room. I sat on my bed crying into a pillow. If someone were to have watched everything going on they'd probably think I was on my man period or something.

I could hear my text notification going off and my phone rang a few times. I didn't bother finding it and checking. I could smell dinner but wanted to be an edgy teen and not go eat. I heard a knock on my door and stayed silent. It opened. Guess I forgot to lock it. In walked Pacifica with both of our dinners on a tray.

"Here, this is my favorite comfort food, why don't you try some, you might feel better." She said, handing me the bowl.

I looked and it so happened to be my favorite comfort food. I ate some and Pacifica asked me what was wrong.

I spilled everything and how I felt and what I said.

"Your right to be upset but maybe you over-reacted just a bit. Why don't we see a movie tonight. It's a bit far away from Gravity Falls and stay at a hotel, get away from this town for a while, leave your phone here, if that's okay, we'll come back in two days and then we'll see how you feel and if you want him back in your life." She said, smiling.

"Deal." I said, finishing dinner and packing a few clothes. We left the house, the butler driving us.

*Dippers POV*

He's not answering any of my texts. I thought to myself, I should be angry at the way he acted, but I can't. I feel sad, I did something to hurt him and I don't know what. He was very vague when he came to the shack, and he won't talk to me now. But the look in his (color) eyes, it hit me bad and I want to make things right. I wish I could just go make up with him and hug him, but he isn't talking to me. I ended up going to bed. In my dream Mabel was in a far corner whispering 'He's gay, he wanted to tell you but I flipped, I like him and I know I'll never get the chance, he likes you instead. I hate summer love. ' I woke up, I tried to remember what Mabel was saying in my dream, but I couldn't. So I went up to Mabel.

"Do you know anything about the conflict with (Y/N)?"

"No, why? Did you hear what I was saying last night?" She said nervously.

"What were you saying?"

"Nothing I don't why I just said that." She said.

I decided to call Pacifica since (Y/N) wasn't picking up his phone.

*ring ring*

P: Hello?

D: Hi, this is Dipper, is (Y/N) there?

P: Why?

D: Cause.

P: I'm not letting you talk to him right now okay? He's gone and he doesn't want to talk to you, don't call me again, bye.


D: What do you mean gone? Hello?

Gone? Does she mean he's left for good? I walked downstairs into the shack.

"What's wrong dude?" Wendy asked.


"I know who your talking about. Why don't we ditch this place for a while and chill out, you can stay the night at my place, then we'll come back tomorrow." Wendy said, smiling.

I blushed a little.

"Sure" I said as she got up and we left.

The Boy In The Shack (Dipper x Male! Reader).𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now