Get Out. (Edited)

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(Hihi! I'm currently rewriting this story. I'm going through fixing spelling errors and the format of some of these chapters, for example, how this chapter was kind of all clumped together, as well as adding some content to the chapters, thank you for checking out my story :)!!! )


My name is (Y/N) Northwest and it's been exactly one night and three hours from when I came out to my family, and I'm dreading the results.  My town, especially the school, is kinda against lgbtq stuff, faggot is used as an insult all the time, so is being called gay. The teachers turn a blind eye to this stuff, some even play along. My whole family spends everyday obsessing over looks and status, so it was no surprise that I backed down from being openly gay. In fact I have to spend most of my days with the rich burnouts of my school, my parents insist on it. This whole place seems like a made-up thing, who would have a town of Homophobes? This guy. 

For some reason, I was getting closer to my parents, at least I had thought so. I wanted to tell them I was gay, so I at least didn't have to pretend at home that I was straight, talking about the latest cute girlie or having to hang out with the homophobic dunceheads so much. Also, It was the last day of school, I thought this would make our bond stronger over the summer.

I told them yesterday night during dessert, I ordered a rainbow cake and told them I had something important to reveal. I set down a rainbow piece for mom and and dad. They ofcourse were confused. So I just told them, I was caught up in having the perfect hallmark moment with my parents. They'd run over and hug me, tell me they accept me, ask if there's any boys that have caught my interest. They'd tell me they loved me, they were proud to have a gay son.

"So you're a faggot?" Dad said, unamused. 


"Haha, uhm, I guess?" I said with a smile, hoping they were just playing around. 

'C'mon, say 'Hi gay, I'm dad''

"Why are you laughing this isn't funny-" Mom said, looking at me with the same emotionless face my dad had.

'Yea, this isn't funny, it's a life changing moment of our relationship!! Where's the hugs and tears of happiness?'

"Go to your room, (y/n)." Dad said sternly. 

"But-" i tried to argue back

"Now." He said, not even looking at me anymore.

I sulked back upstairs to my room. This backfired pretty bad I'd say. I pulled out my phone to text Ani, she was the only friend I had ever came out too, actually she helped me out when I was confused about my sexuality, she was always there to lend an ear or hand out advice. I met her at a school function, turns out she was homeschooled, regardless we still messaged a lot and met up a few times. She was in the gay-straight alliance, so I had felt safe coming out to her. I also felt safe coming out to my parents but I guess I should've got my head out of the clouds. 


(Y/N): So I came out to my parents..

Ani: How'd it go?!

(Y/N): They hate me :(

Ani: Lol 

(Y/n) :(

Ani: You're kidding right?

(Y/N): No, they called me a faggot and sent me to my room

Ani: Do you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend? 

(Y/N): Idk, I hate hiding things and that's not fair to you

!!Low battery- Phone shutting down!!

===Time skip to next morning===

"(Y/N), Get up!" Dad had yelled, knocking loudly on the door.

"Okay, yeesh," I replied. I was going to try to be lighthearted through this whole conversation, determined to still have the happy moment with them. Maybe they just needed time to process. I walked down the stairs trying to fix my messy (H/C) hair and went into the kitchen to see my mom sitting down at the table and my dad sitting down motioning to the empty chair across from them.

 "(Y/N) we need to address the cake event yesterday, maybe it was just on the spur of the moment, but you happened to say you were gay" Mom said, sounding like she was struggling to stay composed. 

" I had said I was gay, what's so wrong about that?" I asked.

 "Son we didn't raise you this way. " Dad said.

 " So? I'm happy this way! I'm your son, don't you want me to be happy?" I said, looking up at them, my eyes getting watery.

 "Do you even know what this would do to our family, how it would mess up our name? How would people think if they found out we had a gay son?" Dad said, acting like I'd just say 'oH ur right lol, I'm str8 now'.

"We could send him away to some kind of reform camp until he is fixed." Mom said, hopefully. 

"Hey! I'm right here! This isn't the 1800's, so stop acting like it is just because I like the same stupid gender!" I said, knocking my chair down accidentally as I stood up. This feels like one of those steriotypical coming of age movies, well without the happy ending ofcourse. I bet no one else's parents react like this.

"Sit down (Y/N), now." Dad had said sternly. 

"W-why should I? I'm gay, not a- a mass murderer! It's not some crime to like a man-" I said, my voice wavering. 

"Well...well...I'm not having a gay for a son!" Mom said, raising her voice. 

sick burn ma 

She and I started to bicker, while dad stood in the other room on his phone. 

"It's settled, I just got off the phone. You're leaving for the summer and staying with your cousin and her family, they raised her well with plenty of strict discipline.  Until you realize how sick these 'gays' are you're not coming back, and you're surely not a part of this household. We will not have you slander our name." Dad coldly said.

"Your father is going to pick up the tickets, when he gets back you better be packed and waiting at the door." Mom said, turning around and leaving the room. 

Well, fantastic. I went upstairs and quickly packed everything, it's been ages since I had saw Pacifica, I kinda forgot where she lived. I heard Dad pull up in the driveway. I met him at the door, he handed me the multiple bus tickets before pushing me out of the door and locking it behind me. 

Wow, no love you :,( and they couldn't even get me stupid plane tickets-

Anyway, lets see where I'm going. I looked at the glossy tickets in my hands. 'Gravity Falls, OR" 

w h a t

"Oregon!" I shouted aloud by accident, I live-well used to live in Colorado. 'This is going to be quite the trip.' I thought as I got on the bus and took a seat. I sighed as I leaned against the warm window, unprepared for the journey ahead of me. 

'Oh, what a wonderful world.'

(A/N: Thanks for reading! I appreciate it! I love reading all of your comments, even tho editing the chapters move all your comments to the bottom :,( If you yourself are struggling with coming out to your family/friends and/or feel unsafe, or are being treated unfairly by someone for being a part of the lgbtq+ community, feel free to DM me! My DM's are always open and 100% free of judgment!)

The Boy In The Shack (Dipper x Male! Reader).𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now