Being Around You.

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"So, how are we going to get you to see Dipper?"  Pacifica said over a bowl of fancy cereal as we sat on the terrace in the back. It was a nice day out, perfect to go see Dipper. 

"I have no idea." I said staring out into the woods.

"Does he know your gay?" She asked.

"He's only known me two days why would he?" I said.

"I mean, you already like him and you've only known him two days." 

*insert your text noto. sound*

I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Dipper. He must have gotten my note I put with my snowglobe money. I smiled as I read his message. 

'Hey, sorry I couldn't respond quicker. If your ''feeling better'' maybe you could come hang out at the shop? I think you and Mabel need to meet.'

'Yeah, I'll see if I can come over' I typed, knowing it would be difficult.

"Who's that? Oh wait...I know It's Dipper isn't it?"

"Uhm yea, he wants me to come over but it's too hard, I mean yesterday was hard enough to pull off and the plot made no sense." Dipper says as he takes a stab at the author because the plot truly was confusing. 

"I'm sure we can find a way, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll take you too that filth hole today for as long as you'd like, IF, you promise to go on a shopping spree with me and my friends in a few days." Pacifica said excitedly. 

"All girls?" I said looking at the floor.

"Well, duh, no men here are suitable for my taste." She smirked. "I swear shopping with all girls is not as gay as you think you'll look." She said.

"But, I mean, okay sounds fine, deal." I got up with my bowl as we walked to the kitchen, Pacifica told Aunt Northwest she was going to give me a proper tour of Gravity Falls, minus the 'filth hole' and we were the 'filth hole'.

When we got there, Pacifica branched off telling me to text her when I was ready, she was going to her friends' house. I walked in and looked around writing a quick text to Dipper that I was in the gift shop. Soon enough he came in and waved at me. 

"Heyo (Y/N), What illness ya got this time?" Dipper said smiling.

*Don't blush don't blush, crap* I thought to myself as I felt some heat rise to my cheeks, I've only known him for around 2 days I need to calm down.

"Hey Dipper, I've got uhm..a...rash?" I said.

"Nice one, I hope you can stay a while." He said

"Of course, whatcha wanna do?" I asked.

"Nothing if you don't let him work." A gruff voice said behind me. I froze. 

"Grunkle Stan, C'mon!" Dipper whined. 

The man looked at me, seemingly sizing me up. 

"Hmm, how about, you work here for a while, then you and Dipper can go play Dungballs and Drapsons, or whatever nerd games Dipper plays." He said.

"C' mon! This is why I have no frien-"

"I'll do it!" I said smiling.

"Sounds good to me, you aren't getting paid, get to work!" Stan said, walking away.

"Sorry about him, I've got to go, uhm, check on this..experiment I'm working on, you see the girl in the sweater, that's Mabel, go help her, I'll be out in a few." Dipper said, walking quickly up the stairs.

The Boy In The Shack (Dipper x Male! Reader).𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃Where stories live. Discover now