Baby!? Part 4

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The time has come. Baby will be here this chapter. I also love the video above. Enjoy!

5 months later
Ahsoka's POV

Ashla is now 9 months pregnant. She's been super uncomfortable, emotional and is ready to be done being pregnant. She's been waking up at night when she can't sleep and go downstairs and pace around the house, trying to put herself into labor. 

Any time I would get up and find her there, I would take her back to her room. Just like when she was little and she had a nightmare. Anakin found it sweet and reminded him of when she was little.

Until one afternoon...

Ashla's POV

I lay in my room taking a little nap, trying to get my mind off my over due baby. Except, this sleep was not super peaceful.


I'm in a hospital room, sitting on the side of a bed. I didn't have my big baby bump anymore. Where was Mom and Dad? Where is my baby?! Just then the door opened and revealed a doctor with something in her arms.

"Doctor, where is my baby?" I asked, skeptical as if knew the answer. 

"Miss Skywalker, I'm sorry to tell you this. Your baby is stillborn." He said confirming my worst fears.

"No. No that's not true. That's impossible!" I said my voice cracking.
(Luke Skywalker reference).

"I'm sorry, it's true."

"NOOO!" I screamed.

End of nightmare

"NOOO!" I screamed.

I shot up out of bed. I fell out and landed in big strong arms.

"Daddy!" I said starting to cry and throwing my arms around his neck. 

"It's okay, your alright. I've got you."

After I calmed down, I felt something trickle down my legs.

"Oh no." I said getting Dad's attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"I think my water just broke."

"Okay. You stay here and I'm gonna call Mom and tell her to meet us at the hospital."

10 hours later 

I've been in labor for 9 hours. At first the contractions weren't so bad, but they got stronger as time went on. Mom never left my side. Dad had to go wait outside if a contraction was bad to where I started to shout, cry, or both. 

"Ow, ow. Contraction." I whimpered.

"Just breathe through it. Nice and slow."

"I'm so over this! I'm over due, she should be here quicker." I expressed frustration lacing my voice. 

"No, not necessarily. She wanted to wait a few more weeks so she might take a longer labor time." Mom explained while holding my hand.

About an hour later, my doctor came in, checked my dilation, and confirmed I was ready for the delivery room.

I was excited I was just about done being pregnant, I almost forgotten about the pain. For a second, before they made themselves know again.

In the delivery room

Each time I pushed, I knew I was getting closer to meeting my baby. By no means was this an easy task, but with Mom at my side, did make it somewhat bearable.

"Mom." I said breathless. 

"Yes, Dear?"

"Will she be a healthy baby? Will she be okay?"

"Of course. There are monitoring her, as well as you."

I pushed about 3-4 more times. I instantly felt a huge rush of relief wash over me; she was here. They placed her on my chest. 

"She's here, Ashla. It's over. You did a great job." Mom reassured me.

She was testing her lungs out for the first time.

"Oh, it's okay baby girl. Don't cry, Mama's here." I comforted, with my own tears falling. 

Several hours later

Other than my body is sore, I'm glad that my pregnancy is over. I'm ready for the next and best part. I think over these next few years as I'm resting in the recovery room. I learned how to feed her, hold her when I'm feeding her, and last but not least, I learned how to change her diaper.

I was ready to take my baby home for the first time. Me, Mom, and Dad have been thinking over names and I think we've finally decided on one. 

"Her name is Reese Tano Skywalker." 

(Edited on July 9, 2021)

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