Baby!? Part 2

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1 month later
Ashla's POV


I'm sitting in the doctors office, at my ultrasound appointment because I'm find out the gender.  I'm 4 and 1/2 months pregnant today. I'm still struggling with the fact my baby won't have a dad. I didn't even plan on having my first baby until I was married. 

"Ashla Skywalker?" The nurse called my name.

Mom grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I walked to meet the nurse at the door.

"How are you, Miss Skywalker?" She asked, politely.

"I'm good. Nervous, but good."  

"I assure you, there's no need to be scared. You and your baby will be nice and healthy."

When we arrived in the room, she asked a several questions to put in my chart. Once she was done, she left and we waited for the doctor to do the ultrasound. 

When she got in the room, she began the ultrasound by lifting my shirt up, squirting a cold gel on my belly, and using the wand. We waited for the image of the baby to appear. First, we heard the heartbeat. I started to cry. I looked up at Mom, she was crying as well. 

"Mama, that's the heart beat." I said. 

"That's not just one." The doctor told us. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Your having twins." 

"What!?" We both said in unison.

"Twins. Would you like to know the genders?"

"Yes please."

"You have 2 girls."

2 weeks later...
4:45 am

I wake up out of a sound sleep in excruciating pain. I looked down in my beds sheets.

Blood. Everywhere.

I was scared out of my mind. What's wrong with me? Am I dying? I didn't know what else to do. I called out for Mom, I couldn't move it hurt so bad.

"Mom! Mama!" I called. 

I heard her running footsteps in the hallway. She threw open my door.

"Ashla, want going on?!" She asked panicked.

I couldn't breath, I was terrified.

"Mom, there's blood everywhere. It hurts!" 

She came over to my bed, pulled back my sheets and gasped. I soon heard another pair of steps in the hall.

"Ashoka, what's wrong?" Dad asked us.

"Anakin, get Ashla to the ship. She needs to go to the hospital."

I started to get dizzy from the blood loss. I couldn't make out my parents faces very well. I must have passed out. I don't remember anything after that.

2 hours later

I wake up in a white room, the pain dulled significantly, but I felt numb. Like something had been ripped from me forcibly. As I opened my eyes, I felt mom holding my hand, begging me to wake up. I figured something happened. 

"Mom?" I asked groggy.

"Ashla. Baby, there's no easy way to tell you this." She started to say as tears made there way down her cheeks. 

"Mom, your scaring me."

She took a deep breath.

"You had a miscarriage." 

(Edited on July 9, 2021) 

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