Broken Bones Hurt Part 3

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This is one of my requested chapters, so I'm going to add Sabine and Ezra as Ashla and Sokka's friends who come to visit after Ashla's accident. Enjoy!

Ahsoka's POV

The kids have practically been begging me and Anakin to take them back to Lothal for summer vacation. They had some friends they met last time we were here and they've wanted to come back ever since. We also rented a beach house so the kids could have their separate rooms. 

I was starting a load of laundry after breakfast, when the doorbell rang. I put the basket down next to the washer and went to answer the door. 

"Sabine, Ezra. I'm glad to see you, the kids are up in their rooms." I greeted. They both ran upstairs and I went back to my chores. I heard the girls giggling and screaming, while the boys were playing video games with other friends online and yelling with each at other. 

Sabine's POV

Me and Ashla almost immediately started the fun, but I had to ask her about the cast life.   

"Is it hard to move it around?" I asked. 

"Sometimes, but I have a secret method. I tell my dad I need help getting something or it hurts and he'll do it for me." 

We laughed about it for a while, until I got an idea. 

"Hey, Ash. Wanna play a prank?" 

"You know I'm always up for a prank, what do you have in mind?" 

"What if you pretended to 'faint'? I could set up my data pad to record it." (I don't know if data pads can record videos, but lets pretend that they can.) 

"Oh, yeah, I like that. You fake scream good, right?" She claimed. 

"You bet I can." 

"Then, that's what we do. You scream and I faint while you hold me under my arms. I'm going to just hang there limp until my mom or Sokka comes in, then you can lay me down on the floor." 

After we ran through it a few times, we did it for real. I held Ashla under her arms and I did my best scream. Surprisingly, Sokka came running in first since he was next door. 

"Sabine, what's wrong?" He demanded. 

I acted scared and I laid Ash down on the floor. When Mrs. Skywalker came in, she checked Ashla and tried to figure out what was 'wrong'. We didn't want it getting too out of hand, so we told her it was a joke before she called her husband. He wouldn't have been happy if we told him it was all a joke. 

"You girls should be in trouble for that kind of joke, but I've pulled my share of pranks. I think you played it good." 

"Thanks, Mama. It was all Sabine's idea anyway." Ash blamed. 

"Hey, you went along with it. You should have seen the boy's faces, they were seriously scared." 

They both scoffed and denied how scared they actually were. We all had a good laugh and had dinner together, while Mrs. Skywalker told us some stories of pranks her and Mr. Skywalker pulled on their friends before. 

Sorry it's kind of short, but it was a request so I made it work. I hop you liked it.

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