Comfort in Nighmares

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Enjoy this chapter about Sokka and Anakin bonding.

Anakin and Ahsoka had got their kids ready for bed but, Sokka was being a little stubborn. He had been having nightmares the past few nights. Of course, being a boy and stubborn, he didn't tell anybody.

Anakin's POV

When me and Ahsoka had children, who would have known they could be so much work? I was going upstairs to put Sokka to bed. Ahsoka, most of the time, would put Ashla to bed. Especially after she broke her arm. I walked into Sokka's bedroom and he was still up and playing video games on the holonet. 

"Sokka, what are you still doing up?" I asked, getting frustrated. 

"I don't want to go to bed."

"I know, but you need to. You've done this for the past 3 nights, what's going on?"

"Nothing. I'm just not tired."

"Well, you still need to go to bed."

"Fine." He responded with annoyance.

I left his room, after he got in bed, to our bedroom. 

2:30 AM

The Force awoke me early this morning. It wasn't coming from Ahsoka, or Ashla. It must have been Sokka. I got up and went to his door. I slowly opened his door, and he was in his bed tossing and turning. I hurried over to his bedside.

"Sokka, it's Dad. Wake up. Sokka!"

He shot up in bed with a gasp. He was breathing rapidly almost having a panic attack. I hugged him and whispered soothing words in his ear. After he calmed down, I pulled him away so I could see his face.

"Son, what happened?"

He didn't say anything, he just looked ashamed or embarrassed.  

"How long have you been having these nightmares?"

He didn't answer still. I gently lifted his chin with my finger, so he was looking at me.

"Sokka, I've told you and your sister since you were toddlers, if you have a problem, come to me or your Mom."

"It just seemed silly. It was just a nightmare, there not real."

"I know what you mean. I used to have nightmares all the time your Mom was pregnant with Ashla. I thought she was gonna die after Ashla was born." 

"What did you do?"

"I was terrified, but when Ashla was born and Mom was still alive, I knew that my nightmares were wrong the whole time."

"I know that now." He let out a yawn and laid back down.

"Goodnight, Sokka."

I was about to go back to my room, but I stopped and looked back at Sokka. Maybe being a parent was hard at times but, it was always worth it. 

(Edited on July 9, 2021)

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