Broken Bones Hurt

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I don't know much about broken bones besides they hurt so forgive me if any of this information is wrong. This chapter will be Anakin and Ashla bonding. Enjoy!

Ashla's POV

4 years later. (She's 8, instead of 6.)

Today, when I got up I, unfortunately, had to go to school. I'm in 3rd grade. I don't mind school all that much, but there's this kid that will not leave me alone. He always picks on me, calls me names, and shoves me around. I'm too scared to tell Mom and Dad because Dad especially has been known to be overprotective.

I got dressed and ready to go. Dad had to take me to school today because Mom was busy at work early today.

In the speeder

"Daddy, do I have to go to school today?"

"Yes, Ashla. Why? Don't you like school?"

"Yeah, I guess." I responded quietly.

"Is something wrong, Baby? You normally love school and can't wait to go."

"No, nothings wrong. I just don't like school anymore."

"Alright. Just know if you have a problem you can tell me or Mom."

"I know."

At school

"I'll see you later, Ashla. Have a good day." Dad told me as he kissed my forehead.


I walked over to my cubby and put my backpack and lunchbox away, then I sat at my desk and waited for our first assignment to start. Soon, the other kids took their seats and our teacher came in and started class.

I wasn't very happy much at school anymore because I knew that at some point during the day, that kid would find me somehow.

Recess (Sorry for so many skips 😉)

I was on the swing set outside. Normally, this is where the bully would find me and take me somewhere where no teachers would find us. It scared me every time. What 6 year old wouldn't be scared?

"Hey! Ashla!" He hollered. 

'Oh no' I thought.

"What do you want, Derrick?"

"You know. Come to our usual spot."


"Now." He answered thought gritted teeth.

10 minutes later

I came around the corner and almost ran into Derrick's friends.  

"Your late." His friend snapped.

"I was doing something."

Derrick came out from behind the other boys. 

"I told you now, not 10 minutes later. What held you up, Sweetheart? " He was getting madder by the minute.  

"Don't call me that." I hated when he called me pet names the most. 

"Why not?" He asked in a sugary tone.

"Because it makes me uncomfortable." I tried to be brave and stand up for myself, but inside, I didn't feel brave. 

He didn't say anything or give me time to react, he just shoved me to the ground. I braced for the landing but not soon enough. I landed on my arm and I heard a loud snap, fighting back tears. 

"Get up!" He shouted and grabbed me by the back of my shirt.

"Ow, ow." I whispered so he wouldn't hurt me more.

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