Explanations... sweet ... and weird explanations

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It was as they were turned to stone. Bellamy thought that was a irony that he actually had think that Diyoza reminded him of Medusa, she might as well be, she caused the same effect.

- Does everyone had a stroke of someone will say something- asked Diyoza after a few seconds were no one move.

- I think the antidote effect has already passed - said Octavia, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

- Does  people can have  the same hallucinations at the same time- asked Clarke to no one in particular, she had stop crying from the surprise.

- it happen to Miller and Jackson- answer Bellamy

- Highly unlikely for four people- finished Gabriel

- Are you done with your nonsense chit chat? I am right in front of you? Do you need me to kick your asses to prove that I am real?- said Diyoza with an amused face.

-Well whether you are real or not we will have to got out of here to be sure- Bellamy said while grabbed Clarke and carry her, she had started shaking and he was worry that it was more for the blood lost that for the recent events or the cold. Clarke didn't protested, she really needed the comfort of his arms right now. He started to walk when he saw the little girls again hiding behind Diyoza's legs, she couldn't be more than 5 years old. He was about to asked but Octavia beat him to it.

- Diyoza that little girl is...

- My daughter.

- Hi - said Octavia getting close to her. The girl had curly brown hair and was in a light yellow dress. It was a pleasant view, she looked so delicate that remained her of Rose.- my name is Octavia, are you Hope?

The little girl nodded shyly and came out slowly from behind her mother, and started looking at the rest of them.

- Hope are you hungry?- asked Clarke from Bellamy's arms , she waited for the girls nod and said- great we were planning on eating on the camp but you can have some of the things we brought, you can eat on the way, would you like that?

The little looked at her mother for confirmation and when Diyoza nod and smile she turned to Clarke and said:

- yes, please.

And just like that they started they way back to the camp.Bellamy lead the way, Octavia was giving Hope food while Diyoza was asking her questions, and Gabriel was watching them being the last on the formation.

For someone who had just returned from the death, or that is what they thought had happen, Diyoza had a lot of questions, the first of all, how long had been. When Octavia said that it have only been 2 months Diyoza didn't seem surprised, she just nod and kept asking what was their current situation.

Bellamy carried Clarke all the way to the camp. She tried to get down once or twice but one look at Bellamy's serious face tell her that that wasn't gonna happen, although she was worry that he would get tired of carrying her, she stay put, she was actually grateful to not having to walk with the condition of her leg. Her head stop hearing the screams that hadn't shut since the anomaly, and with the sound of Diyoza and Octavia chit chat she eventually dose off into a restless sleep.

When they got to the camp the suns were already setting. Everyone was finishing working on the caves for the day and greeted them with relief seeing that they were fine and without an injure. Bellamy wanted to take Clarke directly to their tent but she refused.

- I wanna know what Diyoza has to say, there is something really weird with the anomaly.

- But your leg....- Bellamy protested

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