Where the danger lies

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After one hour of search around they gave up and admitted that Russell and Simone were long gone. They knew that they had ruined the medical facilities as a hiding place for them so they needed to think where will they go.

Gabriel and his people arrived a few hours later, Bellamy had send Octavia for him the day before so he can take care of Russell and his followers, so it was a nasty surprise when they came at dawn and there was not Russell.

- ... and now we have no clue where they might be at - finished Bellamy, who had been explaining to Gabriel and Octavia everything inside a tent.

- Damn it!!- said Octavia kicking the nearest rock that she could find.

- Calm down O!! You will hurt yourself- said Bellamy.

- How do you want me to be calm Bell. They killed Abby, and almost killed Echo and Clarke. You know they will not stop until they get what they want.

- There Octavia has a point- said Clarke, she was sitting in a corner, she had been standing the whole night and her leg was not very collaborative, but she wasn't complaining, she had worse. Bellamy had been telling her to get some rest but with this she knew , she wasn't gonna be able to sleep, plus she didn't feel tired. - Russell wants to bring back  all the primes , Simone was just the beginning.

- Then why doesn't he use his own body bone marrow, i mean he had the people to do it- said Bellamy with anger.

Gabriel, who had been quiet and deep though during the explanation, started laughing at this.

- Russell will never use himself  when he could use others. He and the rest of the primes had really believed the lie that we had been using all this years. They see themselves as Gods. So why a god is gonna use his own bone marrow to create nigthbloods when had another option. They must see it as lowering themselves.

At this he received three gloomy faces looking at him.

- Well, that just take us to square one again. Do you think that even without they followers they will try to take Echo and me?- asked Clarke.

- That is difficult to say - he started pacing from one place to another. - they are not careless, and they don't like to do the dirty work themselves unless is strictly necessary...

- In this case it is- interrupted him Octavia who had her "bloodreina" -aura like surrounding her. She was pissed that she had left for a few hours and Russell had escaped she just wanted to break something, but she was trying to keep her temperament in check.

-Gabriel , you know the area better than anyone. Where could they had gone? - asked Bellamy ignoring Octavia, he knew it was better to just let her be, to cool off.

- I am not sure - he said , he just took a second look on Octavia and continue his pacing - there are many places to go and none are especially save or comfortable .

- You only have explored a few thousands of miles here for what I could see on your maps - said Bellamy

- Yeah, Russell thought that is was a waste, we had everything we needed it already, and it was way too dangerous considering...

- I guess he is regretting that now - interrupted Octavia again.

Bellamy looked at her annoyed but Gabriel tried to hide a smile that was making is way to his lips, he had get used to Octavia's quick wip, and kinda enjoyed by now.

- Yeah, I bet he does - he simply said, and focused his attention to Bellamy that was asking him.

- Do you think they would risk going out of the zone they know?

- No, they would not unless they felt completely trap. Besides , they still want to bring back the others.

- Let's forget about what they would do for a moment- said Clarke- we need to consider what they need to been able to survive.

- So basically - said Octavia think more for herself than the others- a place close to a water source, food source and that they could take shelter during rain and the red sun.

- Not necessarily against the red sun - said Bellamy- the guys found a lot of antidote in the medical facility yesterday, I made them go back again this morning and the antidotes were gone. They have at least enough for 4 red suns.

- so they don't need a place that is sealed- said Clarke and turn to Gabriel - is there any house or bunker from were you guys first got here that matches all this?

- Yeah, there is one.... but is unlikely that they would go there. - he said hesitant.

- But is something- said Octavia- is worth the try.- and she was already going out of the tent to get herself ready.

- Octavia wait - he said taking her arm.- we can just go there.

- Why?- asked Bellamy- Why is unlikely that they went there? If is their best shot?

-Because is right next to the anomaly- Gabriel said- is dangerous even with antidote.

- is that where...- started asking Clarke while she stand up.

- Where Dyoza disappeared.- completed Octavia, she was finally calm and look scared.

- is our best shot and the only option that we had right now- said Bellamy reluctantly after a few second of silence. - Octavia tell Miller and Murphy to get ready. We leave in 10 min.

Gabriel nodded and get out of the tent, leaving Bellamy and Clarke alone. They look at each other for a while before Bellamy decided to break the silence.

- Clarke I don't want you to go.

- I know- she of course knew that he wanted to protect her, but she needed this.- but I am going Bellamy .

He sight, and still try to convince her.

- Clarke you are pregnant, is too dangerous I want you here, safe. I don't want anything to endanger our baby anywhere near you. Please stay here- he was begging her, he knew that if she didn't agree , there would be nothing that he could do to stop her from coming.

- Bellamy they are just two people- she said getting close to him and putting her hands around his neck to comforting him- plus, I need to.- she said looking him to his eyes- I need to see her.

-I know- he said admitting defeat -but please don't leave my side or go anywhere alone.

-Deal- she said, stand on her toes and kissed him deep and slowly, she knew that his arms were the safest place that she could be in.

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