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Bellamy was running like his life depended on it, and it did, towards the place where the flare was shot. He had told the others to tied the prisoner to a tree and then follow him. He didn't have time to think in anyone or anything else that wasn't Clarke right now. After a few minutes he reached the place where he calculated the flare had been fire and the closes medical facility was. He stopped for a moment and examined his surroundings, wary of any noise that he could pick.

Then he not just heard them, it took him a second but he saw Miller carrying Echo, she had a considerable amount of blood covering her.

-Miller- he said making him turned and realized that he was there, relieve cover his face.

- Bellamy thank god!

Bellamy got closer to them, and he felt relieve when he saw that most of the blood that cover Echo wasn't hers, it was red, it couldn't be hers, but he also saw that one of her legs was in an antinatural angle and she was holding her stomach while she clenched her teeth.

- Echo how are you feeling?- he said and once she nodded with her head and said that she wanted to stand, he turned his attention Miller. - What happen? Where's Clarke? And Murphy wasn't with you?

- We got separated- said Miller putting Echo carefully on the floor seeing that she kept insisting that she could stand on her own - we realized that we were heading in the right direction when we started seeing lights and hear people from a far, so we shot the paralyzing dart to the woman and told Jet to carry her back to the camp while we fire the flare and wait for backup. But things got a little more complicated.

Bellamy was getting impatient, but he saw how exhausted he looked so he calmed himself and kept listening, but before he heard the guys that were with him had arrived. He just made them a signal with his hand and focus on what Miller was trying to say.

- We heard noises.... fighting noises...

- He heard us - said Echo that look like she didn't want anything else but to surrender to the unconsciousness.- Clarke... she managed to set us free... and we fight our way out.

- Yeah, but at the entrance were too many for them, and Murphy and I could see they were already injured- at this comment Bellamy 's heart jumped- so we shot the flare and went to help them.

- I am sorry Bellamy, I tried to take most of them out by myself, but you they were too many, and Clarke didn't let me, it was only the two of us.Hopefully all her wounds are superficial, at least for what I saw. - she said looking at Bellamy with guilt, and then Bellamy realized.

- You know - he said surprise- did Clarke tell anyone but me? - he said almost angry, how was it possible that his ex-girlfriend knew he was gonna be a father before him.Echo giggled when she saw his reaction, that was what he was focusing right now?- Wait.... did you said they were only the two of you? But Abby...?- he stopped the sentence there, just looking at Echo's face he knew.

- There was nothing we could do - she said.

- Guys...- he was about to start screaming from frustration but he tried to keep It together and hold his tears - Where? Is? Clarke?

- She is with Murphy- said Miller immediately- after we kill some of the guys other were about to come up to chase us, so we split up. I took Echo and he took Clarke.

- what direction did they take?

- just east from the facility.

Bellamy was about to tell the orders when a sudden movement right in front of the called for his attention. Something not too far from them was passing through. He made a signal to everyone around him to be quiet. Then he saw it , he past for a crack that allow the light of the moon light his face, face that now had a scary scar. Russell.

- Miller take Echo back to camp.- he said with determination and in a low voice- you two follow me , we got someone to hunt.

Bellamy rushed toward Russell, who at heard sounds behind him tried to run, but it was useless. Bellamy and the other guys bodies were not just younger , but well trained , it only took them a few seconds to catch in. Bellamy was the one who got in and made him kneel while putting one sword on his throat.

- Hello Russell, long time not see.

Clarke was running putting part of her weight on Murphy. She was holding the cut the she had in her thigh with one hand, cursing herself for not seeing it coming. She and Echo had taken down the guards at the door rather quickly. Echo injected them in the neck before they saw her coming. The rest of the way was quick , until they enter to a room with 5 guards. They were not as easy to take out. Before Clarke move Echo had already kill one, and other two were running towards her. The rest came after Clarke who was prepare , but how she didn't want to straight away kill them she tried to knock them out. She kicked the first one on the chest making him fall. and hit the other with her elbow in the face, and then grabbed her shoulders, throwing her to the wall and making her fall to the floor unconscious. Unfortunately, while doing this she didn't see the man she had kicked before coming from behind and grabbing her by the hair. She screamed soundly and the man stabbed her in her thigh, making a wide cut. Before Clarke could retaliate the man had let go and fall dead to the floor. Echo had threw a knife to the man's back, killing him instantly. When Clarke looked at her she saw he cover in red blood and with the other two people laying on the floor, one moving a little , clearly unconscious and the other in a pool of blood, dead, with a knife to the heart and to the neck. She looked at her own hands too cover in the woman that she just had knocked down blood. She must had bleed from her head.She sighted .

- let's get out of here- she said while going to the door that was at the end of the room.

She opened the door and she could see the trees in the night and the smell of nature brought her hope that this nightmare was almost over. Almost.

She and Echo our, just to find three more guards that were pointing at them with spears. Two of the men grabbed Echo from the sides and when she tried to fight, Clarke heard a cracking sound next to Echo pain scream. Clarke wanted to help but the other man grabbed her and squeezed her fresh wound, making her kneeled to them, and then punched her in the face to made her fall to the ground.

That's when she heard them. First a blunt shot sound accompanied by a bright light in the sky. Then, footsteps and the sound of guns unloading, followed by the three guards bodies falling . She raised her eyes and saw Miller and Murphy and a feeling of gratitude drowned her. Miller run toward Echo and carried her, while Murphy kneeled to inspect Clarke while she tried to incorporate herself.

- Well I kinda like the new style- he said to Clarke while carefully lifting her face to examine it - a little bloody for my taste though, .... you are bleeding- he added when he saw her frown.

Clarke tried to touched her face but the pain overwhelmed her, once she took away her already bloody hand , she saw that Murphy was right her , her hand was dark black, that was not the woman's blood. She tried to control her breathing, and calmed herself down . When she tried to stand up she felt Murphy holding her up and herself putting most of her weight on him and putting her head on his shoulder to recover her breath.

Unfortunately she didn't have much time to do that, voices from inside the medical facility starting sounding, they had found the bodies.

- We have to split up. - said Murphy quickly.

- But Bellamy...- started Miller.

- Bellamy won't make it that fast, and we need to move.

- Fine .

Then Murphy fixed Clarke in position with a arm around him and started going as fast as Clarke allowed them to. After a few minutes she pointed at a cave to hid, so Murphy took them there. After he put her down she felt so tired and fight to stay awake. This was not the time to sleep.

- Murphy talk to me, I need to stay awake.

After Sanctum (The 100)Bellarke fanficWhere stories live. Discover now