A Frigthen Heart

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Russell enter the room from the door that was behind Clarke, so she couldn't get a good look at him, she could only heard him. His voice sounded like a whisper, as if he was trying to contain his emotions. Clarke's heart race, she had that feeling that always drowned her in this situations, she knew what Russell wanted, what she was afraid of is how far was he willing to go to get it, and her gut was telling something really bad was coming, and now been tied up was the worse torture.

- You have always underestimated us. - said Echo not even bothering to look at him. Clarke could see that she had put on her spy mask again.

- Yes, I have - he said still lingering behind Clarke- my worst mistake was letting you people stay...

- No! You mistake was to tried to kill one of our own and think we would not retaliate- Abby lashed out.- you act like you have lost everything because of us, when you tried to take from us that the you want to recover.

Clarke stay silent, she didn't know if upsetting him was the best solution right now, but keeping talking might be, she just needed to chose her words correctly.

- YOU KILL ALL MY FAMILY! - he shouted at Abby finally coming out of behind Clarke, who had to contain a scream. Russel had a huge scar in the right side of his face, something that with all the herbs and substance that were found in the planet should had been easily erased, but it wasn't , so must had been massive. - You deform my face, and took away my home. You put my people against me.

-You actually act as if you care about them- said Echo - but we all know you will sacrifice them for your own greed and selfishness to live forever.

-You..- Russell started to say turning to face Echo.

- What happen to your face ? - Clarke cut him off. It was the first time she spoke, and that made Russell look at her for a minute before answer.

- Dr. Santiago's gift from the last time we saw each other - he finally said, looking at her with maximum caution , he felt that he should be careful with her.

-Well I broke my ankle that time too thanks to you so I should say that karma really is a bitch.-she said this as she was talking about the weather, without showing fear nor anger. She knew that would freaking out, and she needed him nervous for her plan to work.

- I don't see you having any scars for life- he said.

- I don't know been body snatched by your daughter was pretty scaring - she answer throwing him out of balance at the mention of Josephine- you know Russell I always wonder how you and your wife had the face to judge me the first time that we meet. Now that I think about it you are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

- How dare you... - he said

-truth hurts!- added Abby who was openly angry.

- please Russell don't play the moralistic with us - say Echo, who kinda saw Clarke's intentions and was trying to help.

-You dare to judge me for what I had to do to keep my people save, while you and your family had expend more than two centuries killing your own people. - continue Clarke as she was debating something- tell me something Russell how is your family more important than ours?- she asked.

Russell stood there with rage in his eyes for a few seconds , then he turned and grabbed a platter with a bunch off surgery material. A long cable with needle, gloves, scissors , and what Clarke had seen and was interest the most, at least 5 sets of knives. Russell put the platter next to Clarke's chair and started to prepare , and that was Clarke's window.

- What is it Russell ? Aren't you going to answer me? - Clarke took the chance that he was right next to her and kick one of his legs, thing that make him loose balance, close his eyes from the pain and back a little. Then Clarke made a superhuman effort and with her hand, that could barely move for the straps, grabbed one of the knives and hid it down her hand while she scream- YOU SAID THAT I WAS GOING TO BE AT PEACE! If you believe in that so much how come you don't accept your own death.

- Enough SHUT UP!- he said and when he was grabbing a knife to start Abby stop him saying:

- Very coward and manly of you to kill the pregnant woman first.

And the whole room froze.

Bellamy was waiting for Octavia right in front of the tent where the spies were tied up, but conveniently enough for Bellamy, without the gags . So him he could heard everything they were saying and they had not clue.

- We are not telling them anything, they are going to kill us and torture us anyway. - said one of the men

- if we die we will  Be remember and venerated for saving the primes.- said female voice

- What i don't understand is what haven't they interrogate us yet?- the other female said

- that is true, Maybe the find the medical facility?- a man asked

- Impossible is too dark and is hard to find if you don't know where it is. - the first male voice said.

- Damn it ! It really hurts!! That  blonde bitch hit me hard- say the second man

Outside Bellamy smile for himself, that was his girl, but the smile fade as quickly as it came. Raven was heading towards him with a serious expression on her face. Bellamy didn't want the people in the tent heard them so he meet her half way.

- What is it Raven ?- he asked. He didn't know what could it be that Raven had to say, he hadn't share his plans yet.

- Bellamy What is taking so long ? What are you waiting? We should be interrogating then for the girls whereabouts. What aren't you in a hurry?

- Raven of course that I am in a hurry, but I have a plan, I...

- it is taking to long, Clarke is in not position to wait... we must...

- Wait what? Why just Clarke?- Bellamy asked, of course his main priority was Clarke, for obvious reasons, but why was Raven's?. Raven try to hid her face and get back on her words but it was too late - Raven you been hiding something about Clarke? What is it? - and suddenly he remembered- you know what she wanted to say to me right? She said that we needed to talk. - Raven was still not answering as she was debating inside of her. - Raven please!

- Bellamy... i ... i am not the only one that is pregnant.

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