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When Octavia came back Bellamy had fully debriefed Raven , who had an impressed look on her face.

- But, Bellamy... that might not worked.

- is the best shot we have. They are not going to tell us anything even if we torture them Raven. Besides, they were whispering about a medical facility and Russel happen to had gave me a map when all those were mark so we just have to follow their directions to which one.

- I got it Bell. - Octavia had showed up next to Bellamy holding in front of her a little cup filled with a green and bright liquid- I used one of Abby's syringe to extract it.

- Perfect , is go time. - he turn to Raven - and you for obvious reasons are not coming, but you are in charge will we come back.

- Yeah, Yeah...- said Raven annoyed - just ... bring them back. I hold the forge.

Bellamy nodded and  turned around to direct to the others .

- Okey everybody listen up, come closer, this is the plan.

Bellamy's plan was fairly simple but it had its catches where they would had to improvised if it came the case. He send for three of the prisoners and injected them with just a little of the red sun toxic and left then in three different size of the forest , while they hid from them. Bellamy had chosen two man and a woman from the prisoners. The men were loyal servants, but the women tend to be fanatical so, although the men were a save bet that in their delusion they will get back to his leader, the woman was a good bet too, it was risky, she could attend suicide in order to protect Russell or get violent quicker, as also was the most effective to wanting to go to her leader faster.

As they started wandering through the woods, they were following them. Bellamy had split them into 3 people teams, at least one of each group had knowledge of where the medical facilities were, he had showed them to a few people and one of them was Miller and Octavia. Bellamy's group followed the first man, Octavia's group that was with Emori and a boy named Logan were following the second man, and last Miller's, that included Murphy, who surprisingly volunteered, followed the woman.

They meant to fire a flare gun that Raven had been designing after a few of them got lost in the woods one time when they were setting the marks for the shield. Each team had one flare gun and they were only meant to be use if they find the place, otherwise they just sedated the prisoner and went back to camp, and waited for the others to signal. The only problem was that the teams should stick together the hold time because in cause of an emergency that was their only way to communicate.

Bellamy had followed the man for hour and half, stopping at 2 medical facilities, but Clarke was in none of them. They were too far from camp already, it would take them at least 45 min to walk back, and that without counting the effort of carrying the prisoner. They couldn't had kidnapped them and go back to camp in that time, going farther was a waste of time and there were no more medical facilities close. He hit the man with a paralyzing dart and the other two that were with his run to tie him up. He was about to say that they should head back when a little explosion fireworks like was heard. Bellamy raised his head at the sky and saw it , a res light with sparkles of yellow around just south of where they were, someone had found them.

It had been half an hour since Russel had kill Abby, and Clarke felt she was numb to everything around her. Russell had been mocking her the whole time after but she just couldn't process what he was saying, and she didn't care, she just wanted him out of the room and staying quiet felt as good plan as any, so she did, and so did Echo. The only words that she pay attention to were when Russell took her mother's body and was about to leave with it.

- Not so arrogant now Clarke? - and he turn his back at her and leave closing the door, but not bothering to lock it, after all how could they escaped?

Clarke took out the knife that she had and cut one of her straps under the surprise stare of Echo.

- When the hell did you grabbed that? - she said with a cocky smile forming in her face.

- Lets just say that he is one to talk about arrogant. - she said while with her freed hand untied the nots of the straps. Then she stand up and did the same to Echo. When they finish Echo stand up and look at Clarke with an emotion that Clarke couldn't identity.

- Clarke I...- Echo started, but Clarke cut her off .

- Don't- she said - there is not time for this, I can't think about that, I cannot crumble right now. Okay?

- Ok - Echo said now focusing on the imminent situation- we need to grabbed any weapon that we can, something tells me that we won't get out of here without a fight.

Clarke nodded and started looking around , she took the rest of the knife and split them between her and Echo, and grabbed the tube rolling it up and attaching it to her pants, it wasn't long but was a strong material and it could be useful. After Echo find some syringes and put them in her pants next to the knifes they were ready to go.

- Ready? - Clarke asked, and at the nod of Echo she open the door. The first sight that she had were to shock soldier posted at the door looking at them. She took a shared look with Echo and them, they were for it.

After Sanctum (The 100)Bellarke fanficWhere stories live. Discover now