The Calm....

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Bellamy was falling asleep where he was sitting waiting for Clarke, so he got up and started walking. Everyone was so joyous and relax, that Bellamy couldn't help but felt good. The other times they had gone down he was too preoccupied with possible attacks that he never really enjoyed the atmosphere that was around him. The people of Eligius had made some new friends and were surrounded with some people of Wonkru, they seemed to be having fun, which all things consider was kinda ironic. Others were on a side and were drinking what Bellamy suspected was the strong vine from before, he just pray that tomorrow they will be able to stand up.

He walked around and was looking for Clarke when he found his friends. Emori, Murphy and Raven were sitting by the fire and talking . Bellamy went straight to them and sit.

- Hey guys!- he said

- Hey, How weird seeing so relax- said Emori.

- Oh, well that is a perk of having Clarke here- mocked him Murphy and threw him a package of food.- you got here just in time , Raven was gonna tell us something.

- Yeah..., eh... is kinda hard to tell - Raven started looking around as if she wanted to find someone- I wanted to wait for Echo too... but I guess she already started her turn to make watch.

- Yeah, she and Octavia have tonight's guard- said Bellamy while opening his food package, and started eating it.

- Well... I guess it would have to be without her- she said and Bellamy noticed that she had gotten really nervous, she was playing with her hands and was looking to ground when she started talking.

- I ... I don't how ... I don't know how to said this so I will just go to the point- she said and after taking some deep breaths as she was finding the courage, she raise her head and said- I'm pregnant.

The three of them got paralyzed staring at her. When Raven saw their confused faces she try to explain.

- Is.. is Shaw's. I know this is .... believe me when I tell you this was not my plan... I..

- Raven, is okay- said Murphy suddenly, he was really serious, something that was rare, Bellamy didn't really remember a time when he had been like this.- you don't need to explain. We are your Family- he leaned and hold her hands with his - we are here for you.

- Always - said Emori while she stand up and sat next to her hugging her from the said. Raven had tears in her eyes and looked at Bellamy who was smiling at her.

- You didn't think you would be alone in this, did you?- he said.

- You know is funny- she said drying her tears- Clarke said to me all this too.

- Clarke knew?- asked Bellamy.

- She was in the infirmary when I confirmed it.- she said and took her eyes away from Bellamy's, thing that Bellamy didn't miss. She was holding something up.

- It was the day that you both were in there?- he asked trying to catch something that told him what was about Clarke that Raven was hiding.

-Yeah- she said, still without looking at him.

Bellamy was gonna keep asking when someone touched his shoulder making him turn around. It was Octavia.

- O? What happened?- he said, with just seeing his sister dark expression he knew something was wrong.

- I need to talk to you- she said before walking away. Bellamy stand up and followed her that was walking towards Miller, who also looked really serious.

- We have a problem- said Miller.- the spies are back.

- What?- asked Bellamy- how do you know?

- I have been looking all day around and sometimes I suspected that they were there, but when I went to look in the place that I saw them they were gone. I really thought that I had imagined the first to times. - Octavia said.

- But I saw them too about 10 min ago.- Miller said.

- They had been watching for shorter periods of time and leave before anyone can see them.

- is outside the limits of the radiation shield that you saw them right?- Bellamy asked, his mind was working fast, and his first thought was Clarke. She had been gone for a long time, she should had come back by now.

- Yes, Bell - said Octavia - while we stay inside I don't think they suppose a threat to us.

- I said that if we can capture one, we can make him talk and say what Russell's plan is - propose Miller.

- Is not a bad idea, but it should be one that is isolated, if the rest see that we have him they will tell Russell- point out Bellamy, but he was Dying to find Clarke so he cut the conversation short - I need you both to coordinate with the rest and tell Echo that she can keep on watch but to not expose herself outside the shield. And said Abby to stay away from the shield too.

Before Octavia and Miller could nod Bellamy was already gone. He had got distracted, the feeling that he always felt when he was away from Clarke for too long started growing. He had a bad feeling, he cursed himself for not looking for her before. Bellamy made I spin to the camp, there was not sign of Clarke. Where was she? What was she going to do when she left him?. Bellamy tried really hard to remember the last thing that Clarke said to him. "I will be right back, we need to talk about something". That was it. She didn't said where she was going or doing. The last word got stuck in Bellamy's mind. "... we need to talk about something" and then he also remembered the night before "I actually wanted to talk to you about something... i tell you tomorrow" . Bellamy didn't understand why those conversations showed in his head, the only thing he knew was that he needed to find Clarke fast, and his heart told him he should hurry.

When Bellamy finished going through the camp he went to Octavia to asked her to help him find Clarke. Octavia was with a group of the guys that were on guard and all looked upset.

- Octavia I can't find Clarke , I need you all to help me look- he said, but immediately he knew there was more.

- Bellamy...., Echo and Abby also disappeared- she said .

When Bellamy heard this he felt like if the ground had open up  and like he had been kicked in the chest. He knew what this meant. They had been kidnapped.

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